Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2006 Initiative Analysis: McCauley-Rooker Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

The state also levies an estate tax payable upon death, equal to the amount of any available state tax credit allowed under the federal estate tax (currently zero). Finally, residential and commercial property is subject to a general-purpose local ad val orem property tax rate of up to 1  percent annually, plus any additional tax for voter-approved indebtedness.

[PDF] McCauley-Rooker Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

The state also levies an estate tax payable upon death, equal to the amount of any available state tax credit allowed under the federal estate tax (currently zero). Finally, residential and commercial property is subject to a general-purpose local ad valorem property tax rate of up to 1 percent annually, plus any additional tax for voter-approved indebtedness.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 2)

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 2)

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 3)

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The Thomas Lomax Taxpayers' Protection Act

Annual tax administration costs likely in excess of $10  million annually.

[PDF] California Citizens Compensation Commission

Per Diem for Lodging and Expenses. Under current law, legislators are eligible to receive a per diem payment to cover lodging, meals, and other expenses for each day of attendance at legislative sessions, or related travel.

2006 Initiative Analysis: California Unicameral Legislature

For instance, by reducing the number of elected legislators, the measure would likely reduce somewhat stat e and county election costs. The net effect of these types of costs and savings on the state is unknown.