Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] California Unicameral Legislature

For instance, by reducing the number of elected legislators, the measure would likely reduce somewhat state and county election costs. The net effect of these types of costs and savings on the state is unknown.

[PDF] The California Health Insurance Reliability Act

Bill Lockyer 8 October 31, 2006 premium tax and corporate income tax revenue reductions associated with such factors are unknown, but could potentially be several hundred million dollars annually. Fiscal Impact on Local Governments The measure would likely affect the finances of local government agencies, especially counties, who under current state law are providers of health care for low- income persons.

[PDF] Keep Them in Jail Alternative Incarceration Act (Amendment #1-NS)

Fiscal Effects County Detention Facilities. If this measure resulted in the addition of temporary county jail and treatment facilities, counties would increase their expenditures for their construction, renovation, and operation of these facilities.

2006 Initiative Analysis: California Property Owners Protection Act

If the former owner reacquires the property, the measure specifies that the property shall be taxed at its value prior to the taking. The measure is not clear as to whether it imposes limitations on public agency use of property (1) after this five-year period has expired or (2) if the former ow ner does not choose to reacquire the property.

[PDF] California Property Owners Protection Act

If the former owner reacquires the property, the measure specifies that the property shall be taxed at its value prior to the taking. The measure is not clear as to whether it imposes limitations on public agency use of property (1) after this five-year period has expired or (2) if the former owner does not choose to reacquire the property.

2006 Initiative Analysis: California Tangible Ballot Act of 2008

If so, counties would need to replace or alter some of their current equipment. Such costs could total in the tens of millions of dollars on a one-t ime basis. In recent years, these types of costs have been shared by federal, state, and county governments.

[PDF] California Tangible Ballot Act of 2008

If so, counties would need to replace or alter some of their current equipment. Such costs could total in the tens of millions of dollars on a one-time basis. In recent years, these types of costs have been shared by federal, state, and county governments.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Recording Peace Officer Contact/Search

This, in turn, could result in fewer criminal trials, a reduction in the number of inmates held in state prisons and county jails, and a reduction in state parole and county probation operations. The magnitude of these savings are unknown and would depend m ainly upon (1) the number of arrests and searches that would require a recording to be provided to the

2007 Initiative Analysis: The McCaley-Rooker Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act

Offsetting these additional revenues would be reductions associated with various tax programs. The largest of these reductions involve the proposed refundable health ins urance tax credit, teacher tax credit, and property tax credit.

[PDF] The McCaley-Rooker Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act

Offsetting these additional revenues would be reductions associated with various tax programs. The largest of these reductions in- volve the proposed refundable health insurance tax credit, teacher tax credit, and prop- erty tax credit.