Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Publications

This is an increase of $ 19 million, or about 2 percent, from current-year estimated expenditures. In addition, we note that the Governor’s budget also includes a $1.5 billion state office building proposa l.

LAO Publications

Format: Evaluation of the School District of Choice Program January 27, 2016 - The District of Choice program is one of several statutory options allowing a K-12 student to transfer from one school district to another school district.

LAO Publications

Estimates of state personal income taxes and required school funding are up significantly. In allocating discretionary resources in the 2016-17 budget, the Governor prio ritizes growing state budget reserves.

LAO Publications

Passed in June 2015, with various amendments later durin g the year's legislative session, the state's 2015-16 spending plan includes a large increase in funding for schools and community colleges. The budget makes augmentations to chil d care and preschool, higher education, and various health and human services programs.

LAO Publications

All Years2018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621961196019591958195719561955195419531952195119501949194819471945All PublicationsHandoutOtherPostReportHandout May 18, 2015 - Presented to: Assembly Budget

LAO Publications

In future years, employees will receive higher tota l compensation and the state will experience increased costs. UPDATE 9/1/11 -- Handout updated to include reference to a 2009 state law eliminating two state holidays.

LAO Publications

All Years2018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621961196019591958195719561955195419531952195119501949194819471945All PublicationsHandoutOtherPostReportReport Implementation of the Working Families Student Fee

LAO Publications

We recommend the Legislature replace the state's current syste m for financing school facilities with a new system. Specifically, we recommend the Legislature: (1) establish an annualized "expected facility cost" based on the replacement cost of existing school buildings; (2) provide an annual per-student grant that reflects a specified minimum state share of

LAO Publications

Format: January 21, 2015 - Presented to: Senate Education Committee Format: Analysis of School District Reserves January 21, 2015 - Last year the state adopted legislation to (1) cap school district reserves following deposits in the state school reserve recently established by Proposition 2 and (2) require dis tricts to disclose additional information about their reserves each year.

LAO Publications

In addition, we project over $700 million more in local property taxes for school districts. If the Legislature were to adopt our offi ce's higher revenue forecast and property tax estimates, General Fund spending under Proposition 98 would increase $2.7 billion, relative to the administration's May forecast.