Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2007 Initiative Analysis: Fair Medical Treatment for Workers Act (Amendment #1-S)

Increased costs may reduce bu siness profitability, thereby decreasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this decrease could be a gain in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies. The net ef fect of these impacts is not possible to estimate.

2007 Initiative Analysis: California Property Owners Protection Act (Amendment #1-S)

If th e former owner reacquires the property, the measure specifies that it shall be taxed based in its pre-acquisition value, adjusted for the market value of changes to the property , plus annual inflationary adjustments of up to 2  percent.

[PDF] California Property Owners Protection Act (Amendment #1-S)

If the former owner reacquires the property, the measure specifies that it shall be taxed based in its pre-acquisition value, adjusted for the market value of changes to the property, plus annual inflationary adjustments of up to 2 percent.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 2)

The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as required by federal law.

[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 2)

. • The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. • When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as re- quired by federal law.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 1)

Among these requirements are: The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. When drawing boundaries, the commission could not draw districts for the purposes of favoring incumbents or partisan interests.

[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 1)

Among these requirements are: • The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. • When drawing boundaries, the commission could not draw districts for the purposes of favoring incumbents or partisan interests.

[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 3)

Among these requirements are: • The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. • When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as re- quired by federal law.

[PDF] Legislative per diem and living expenses

From this total, Members of the Legislature are eligible to receive a per diem payment to cover lodging, meals, and other expenses for each day of attendance at legislative sessions. The current rate is $162 per day, set by the California Victim Compensation and Gov- ernment Claims Board.

[PDF] Child Abuse and Neglect

County costs would increase simi- larly, ranging from less than $200,000 to $1.7 million, depending on the amount of in- creased referrals. There could be additional county costs for providing training if school districts turn to local county child welfare agencies to assist them in training their em- ployees.