Results for irish state pension

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Reimbursements to counties for certain costs, such as those resulting from crimes committed in state prisons.

Mar 5, 2010 - Given that the $3.3 million backlog of unpaid claims is for expenses that have already occurred, the state is required to reimburse counties for these costs. However, in view of the state ’s current General Fund shortfall, the state many not be able to afford to pay the full amount owed now, as proposed by the Governor.

Reimbursements to counties for detaining parolees who violate the terms of their parole.

Mar 5, 2010 - Given that the $86.3  million backlog of unpaid claims is for expenses that have already occurred, the state is required to reimburse counties for these costs. However, in view of the state ’s current General Fund shortfall, the state may not be able to afford to pay the full amount owed now, as proposed by the Governor.

Reducing the Ward and Parolee Populations at the Division of Juvenile Facilities [Publication Details]

Mar 4, 2010 - Presented to: Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 4 On State Administration Hon. Mark DeSaulnier, Chair

Proposed funding of $500,000 ($250,000 General Fund) related to cash management, financial reporting, and actuarial advisory support.

Mar 3, 2010 - Given the state ’s fiscal condition, we recommend denying the request at this time. Actuarial Advisory Support Chapter  371, Statutes of 2008 (SB 1123, Wiggins), creates the California Actuarial Advisory Panel to provide advice to public agencies regarding post-employment benefits, such as pensions and retiree health benefits.

Funding for legal services.

Mar 3, 2010 - Except for program s supported by the General Fund as discussed below, state law also requires the Attorney General to charge state agencies to recover the costs incurred for providing them with lega l services.

Inmate mental health care staffing.

Feb 26, 2010 - State Costs for Mental Health Care Have Grown Significantly. The Governor ’s budget proposes a total of $385 million from the General Fund for mental health services in 2010-11. This is $219 million more than the amount the state spent on such services i n 2005-06 — more than doubling expenditures in this area.

Activation of the Northern California Reentry Facility.

Feb 26, 2010 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

The 2010-11 Budget: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education [Publication Details]

Feb 25, 2010 - In a companion publication, The 2010-11 Budget: Higher Education, we provide additional detail on our community college recommendations, as well as cover various other postsecondary education areas, including the state's universities and financial aid programs. ( Video introducing this report ) Reports by Policy Area

Reimbursements to counties for detaining new prison commitments.

Feb 23, 2010 - Further Detail Under existing state law, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is required to reimburse counties for the daily jail costs incurred detaining each in dividual sentenced to prison as a new commitment following five working days after a county notifies CDCR that the individual is ready to be transferred to state prison.

Funding for trial court operations.

Feb 23, 2010 - In addition, the budget also provided $124  million less than the estimated workload budget for 2009-10, primarily by (1) continuing permanently various reductions enacted on a one-time basis for 2008-09 and (2) eliminating the inflationary adjustment based on the state appropriations limit otherwise required under state law for trial courts.