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2007 Initiative Analysis: Child Abuse Reporting Enforcement Act of 2008 (Amendment #1-S)

Increased county child welfare and foster care costs would be about $2  million. Cost to Local Law Enforcement and Courts. A report of suspected sexual abuse is one of the types of allegations that must be reported to law enforcement.

[PDF] Child Abuse Reporting Enforcement Act of 2008 (Amendment #1-S).

Increased county child welfare and foster care costs would be about $2 million. Cost to Local Law Enforcement and Courts. A report of suspected sexual abuse is one of the types of allegations that must be reported to law enforcement.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under cur- rent California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recog- nized.

2007 Initiative Analysis: California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act

For example, cities and counties often consider environmental, economic, public safety, and community objectives when regulating land use. In addition, over time, the economic and policy effect of a governmental regulation can change.

[PDF] California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act

For ex- ample, cities and counties often consider environmental, economic, public safety, and community objectives when regulating land use. In addition, over time, the economic and policy effect of a governmental regulation can change.

[PDF] California Nonpartisan Candidate Qualification Act

The new signature eligibility requirements include that the candidate secure the signature of reg- istered voters in every county in the state (for statewide offices) or in every zip code within every county (for other offices), in accordance with certain criteria outlined in the initiative.

[PDF] California Tangible Ballot Act of 2008 (Amendment #1-S)

If so, counties would need to replace or alter some of their current equipment. Such costs could total in the tens of millions of dollars on a one-time basis. In recent years, these types of costs have been shared by federal, state, and county governments.

[PDF] California Marriage Protection Act

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under cur- rent California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recog- nized.

[PDF] Citizens Fair Districts Act (Version 4)

. • The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. • When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as re- quired by federal law.