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The 2017-18 Budget: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation [Publication Details]

Mar 1, 2017 - In addition, we assess and provide recommendations on three proposals related to inmate mental health care: a $250 million shift of inpatient psychiatric programs from the Department of State Hospitals to CDCR, an $11.4 million proposal to convert 74 existing outpatient mental health beds into inpatient psychiatric program beds, and a $112 million proposal to construct 100 additional Mental Health Crisis Beds.

Alternative process for local governments to assess fees for flood control, stormwater management, water, and sewer services (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Feb 3, 2016 - File No. 15-0116, Amendment No. 1) that would amend the state Constitution to create an alte rnative process for local governments to assess fees for flood control, stormwater management, water, and sewer services.

The 2019-20 Budget: Department of Consumer Affairs

Feb 13, 2019 - Notably, according to a report by the California State Auditor, executive officers for most of the Release 1 b oards and bureaus reported that BreEZe decreased their regulatory entity ’s operational efficiency.

Increased cost for state IT project: Examination and Certification Online System (ECOS)

May 7, 2013 - Increased cost for state IT project: Examination and Certification Online System (ECOS) Increased cost for state IT project: Examination and Certification Online System (ECOS) Program: CalHR Finding or Recommendation: Require California Technology Agency (CTA) and the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) to jointly submit quarterly reports to the Legislature on the project's progress.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Public Utilities Commission

Feb 14, 2018 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

The 2014-15 Budget: Maintaining Education Facilities in California [Publication Details]

Apr 11, 2014 - Looking beyond 2014-15, we believe the state should have a long-term strategy for properly maintaining education facilities. While a one-size-fits-all response very likely is not appropriate for such a diverse array of education segments, segment-specific plans likely could be very helpful.

Ownership of domestic ferrets. [Ballot]

Jul 29, 2015 - Background California law makes it illegal to own ferrets as pets without a state permit. Some reports estimate that there are probably hundreds of thousands of domestic ferrets currently own ed as pets in California despite this ban.

The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of Governor’s Cannabis-Related Trailer Bill Legislation [Publication Details]

May 4, 2017 - Presented to the following Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittees: Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy, and Transportation Health and Human Services State Administration and General Government

The 2017-18 Budget: Public Employment Relations Board (PERB)

Feb 17, 2017 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

Rules for K-12 independent study (IS) and technology-based instruction.

Mar 18, 2013 - The Governor ’s proposal would require major changes at the state and local level. The state would need to develop new rules for counting students in IS and asynchronous programs and auditing c ompliance with those rules.