Results for irish state pension

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The Master Plan at 50: Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts--Coordinating Higher Education in California [Publication Details]

Jan 28, 2010 - The Master Plan at 50: Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts--Coordinating Higher Education in California [Publication Details] Video Description: California’s approach to coordination of the state's higher education system over the past 50 years has been indirect, resting mostly on well–defined missions and eligibility pools to guide the development of higher education institutions.

Governor's proposal to shift a portion of state pension contributions to employees.

Jan 27, 2010 - Governor's proposal to shift a portion of state pension contributions to employees. Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Moving management of state employee and retiree health benefit programs from the California Public Employees' Retirement System to another state entity.

Jan 27, 2010 - Moving management of state employee and retiree health benefit programs from the California Public Employees' Retirement System to another state entity. Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2010-11 Budget: Automated Speed Enforcement Merits Authorization [Publication Details]

Jan 27, 2010 - This policy brief examines the Governor’s special session proposal to generate additional state revenues from penalties imposed on drivers who are caught speeding through the use of automated speed enforcement (ASE) systems.

The 2010-11 Budget: The Governor's Employee Compensation Proposals [Publication Details]

Jan 27, 2010 - In 2009–10, the state has achieved significant savings due to the Governor’s furlough program, which is being challenged in many court cases. For 2010–11, the Governor proposes various measures to reduce state personnel costs, including shifting pension contribution costs from the state to employees, unallocated reductions in personnel budgets of departments, and an across–the–board salary reduction for employees.

Unallocated reductions in state department personnel costs (described by the administration as a "workforce cap").

Jan 27, 2010 - Unallocated reductions in state department personnel costs (described by the administration as a "workforce cap"). Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Governor's proposal to reduce most state employees' salaries by 5 percent.

Jan 27, 2010 - Governor's proposal to reduce most state employees' salaries by 5 percent. Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Prisons vs. Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility [Publication Details]

Jan 26, 2010 - Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility Format: HTML Description: In his January budget, the Governor proposed a state constitutional amendment that would require reductions in spending on state corrections, with corresponding increases in spending for public universities.

The Governor proposes a constitutional amendment to (1) require at least 10 percent of annual state General Fund appropriations to be spent on the public universities and (2) limit state spending on c

Jan 26, 2010 - The Governor proposes a constitutional amendment to (1) require at least 10 percent of annual state General Fund appropriations to be spent on the public universities and (2) limit state spending on corrections to no more than 7 percent of General Fund appropriations.

The 2010-11 Budget: Assessing the Prison Population Reduction Proposal [Publication Details]

Jan 25, 2010 - Specifically, the Governor proposes to require that offenders who have no prior serious or violent offenses and are convicted of certain property and drug felony crimes serve a maximum sentence of one year and one day in county jail in lieu of a state prison sentence.