Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Publications

The CSAC developed regulations for the pilot in time for the 2010-11 academic year. No campuses volunteered to participate, however, due t o cumbersome program requirements. This report provides background on the existing delivery model for financial aid programs; describes recent proposals for alternative delivery mo dels; and chronicles the development, implementation, and outcomes of the pilot program.

LAO Publications

It wo uld help bring annual spending and resources much closer in line for the next five years, and its focus on reducing budgetary debt obligations is laudable. On the other hand, the L egislature has other options to address the reduced budget shortfall, including adoption of alternative tax proposals, additional program reductions, and selected fund transfers an d internal borrowing.

LAO Publications

Most importantly, the survey responses show that many districts: (1) have reserved some federal Ed Jobs for 2011–12; (2) would find an additional defer ral in 2011–12 more difficult to accommodate; (3) have benefited notably from existing flexibility provisions and desire additional flexibility; and (4) already have increased clas s sizes notably, instituted furlough days, laid off some teachers, and shortened the school year.

LAO Publications

An Analysis of the Effects of K-12 Payment Deferrals January 24, 2011 - Over the last several years, the state has deferred payments to school districts as a way to achieve significant Proposition 98 savings.

LAO Publications

As we discuss in our recent publication, The 2011‑12 Budget: Higher Education Budget in Context , while these reductions are large, in our view they do not appear unreasonable given the size of the state’s budget problem, and considering that the current-year budget imposed n o program reductions on the universities.

LAO Publications

While we do not raise specific co ncerns about the administration’s funding requests, we recommend that the Legislature direct the administration to report at budget hearings on the proposed funding and submit form al proposals for any future budget-year funding requests.

LAO Publications

Format: May 19, 2009 - Presented to the California School Boards Association's Legislative Action Conference. May 18, 2009. Format: The Basics of Proposition 98, a Tutorial for State Policymakers May 13, 2009 - This web-based presentation is designed to help state-level policymakers understand the essential elements of the state’s school funding formula.

LAO Publications

Essentially all of these proposals were rejected earlier this year by the prior Legislature. The Governor also proposes to transfer vehicle weight fee revenues to the General Fund. This would achieve an estimated $850 million in budget solutions in 2010‑11 and $727 million in 2011‑12 by reimbursing the General Fund with weight fee revenues for certain transportation bond debt service costs, and also loaning a portion of the weight fee revenues to the General Fund.

LAO Publications

Our findings indicate that: (1) a formula with a higher weight on sales and lowe r weights on property and payroll promotes job growth to some extent; (2) with most states’ formulas now based only on sales, the old formula that used property and payroll could p ut some California producers at a competitive disadvantage; and (3) allowing firms to choose their formula every year arbitrarily favors some firms over others.

LAO Publications

May 25, 2010. Format: May 25, 2010 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee # 4 on State Administration Format: May 25, 2010 - Presented to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee Format: May 25, 2010 - Presented to the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.