Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Child and Teen Safety and Stop Predators Act: Sarah’s Law

Under these circumstances, there could also be a minor increase in child welfare and foster care costs for the state and counties. Hon. Edmund G. Brown Jr. 6 November 5, 2007 Summary of Fiscal Effects Potential unknown net state costs of several million dollars annually for health and social services programs, court administration, and state health agency administration combined.

[PDF] The California Health Security Plan

The CHSP will automatically enroll and deliver membership cards to persons and their dependents who have both filed an income tax return in California and have a California address. CHSP Administration.

[PDF] Identification Device Protection Act

Fiscal Impact This measure could have various fiscal effects, particularly in regard to local animal shelters operated by counties and cities affected by the measure’s provisions that block the adoption or enforcement of any ordinances that require that pets be implanted with RFID microchips.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under cur- rent California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recog- nized.

[PDF] Freedom Against Sterilization Act

This measure amends the State Constitution to prohibit governmental entities (state, county, city, or other) from enacting or enforcing any law that coerces or mandates the temporary or permanent sexual sterilization of any human or animal.

[PDF] California Tangible Ballot Act of 2008

If so, counties would need to replace or alter some of their current equipment. Such costs could total in the tens of millions of dollars on a one-time basis, depending on the number of counties using touchscreens at the time of Hon.

[PDF] The Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008

State and local revenues also would be affected by the measure’s impact on electricity rates since tax revenues received by governments are affected by business profits, per- sonal income, and taxable sales—all of which in turn are affected by what individuals and businesses pay for electricity.

[PDF] California Marriage Protection Act (version 3)

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under cur- rent California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recog- nized.

[PDF] The Three Strikes Reform Act of 2008

Court-Related Activities and County Jails. This measure would result in additional state and local costs for the courts and county jails. Two factors primarily account for the increased costs. First, the resentencing provision would result in a one-time increase in court caseloads, and local jails would likely house inmates during the proceedings.

[PDF] Voters FIRST Act

The commission would be required to adopt district boundaries that adhered to a number of requirements, including: • Maintaining entire cities, counties, neighborhoods, and communities of inter- est in single districts to the extent possible. • Maintaining geographical compactness of districts. • Disregarding consideration of political parties, incumbents, or political can- didates.