Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Bonds and the November 1994 Ballot

However, just as most families cannot pay “up front” the cost of a house, the Figure 1 Projected Capital Outlay Needs For the State and K-12 Education 1994-95 Through 1999-00 (In Billions) General Government 0.3 Total $46.7 a Includes $13 billion in funding from state and federal gasoline tax revenues, state truck weight fees, and state toll bridge revenues for the Department of


Multi-family building permits have been in a sharp decline ever since 1986, partly due to basic economic factors and partly due to past tax law changes which reduced the investmen t return on multi-family housing.

Accommodating Prison Population Growth

Given the state's current tax structure and economic outlook, revenue growth will probably not be this la rge. For example, in the 1980s when the state enjoyed relatively strong economic growth General Fund revenues increased by an average of 8 percent per year.

Uses and Costs of Lease- Payment Bonds

At the time this Status Check was written, the following legislation had been introduced: (1) SB 1679, Costa (six prisons and the Youth Authority beds), (2) SB 482, Calderon (Department of Corrections headquar ters building), (3) SB 565, Johnston (Franchise Tax Board Phase 3 building), (4) SB 1277, Killea (San Diego office consolidation), and (5) AB 1771, Bowler (Teale Data Center).

State Spending Plan - Chapter 3 Part I

The Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, however, has expresse d concern that property tax revenues may not reach the level projected by the DOF. To the extent that property tax revenues are less than the amount estimated, the Chancellor's Off ice indicates that funding for enrollment growth in 1995-96 will be reduced accordingly.

California Update--July 1995

Tax receipts closely related to current economic activity--in particular personal income tax withholding and corporation tax prepayments--are up significantly in 1995 from the prior year, suggesting that employment, wages, and p rofits are continuing to expand in this state.

[PDF] 1996 Cal Facts: STATE REVENUE

1996 Cal Facts: STATE REVENUE California’s Governments Levy A Wide Variety of Different Taxes 1995 Rate Description a AMT refers to the Alternative Minimum Tax. b The 10 percent and 11 percent tax brackets and 8.5 percent AMT rate are scheduled to sunset at the end of 1995. c This rate includes all state-imposed tax rates

Review of the Contract for an Automated Instant Ticket Gaming System

In addition, the CSL is required to pay half of the sales tax related to the purchase of hardware. According to the CSL, the amount of the sales tax has not yet been determined. The original contract has no lump sum payments, up-front or otherwise.

An Analysis of the Low-emission Vehicle

For the 1991 tax year, the definition above was used to qualify vehicles for the state income tax credit. For tax years after 1991, only vehicles which qualified under criterion (2) could be approved for the tax credit.

[PDF] Chapter 5 Long-Term Considerations

Proposition 98 spending Estimates of increased enrollments beyond depends on the growth in personal income, 1998-99 are based in large part on projected General Fund and local property tax revenues, increases in the young-adult population.