Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Publications

Warren Furutani, Chair Format: May 4, 2010 - In this video, Jennifer Kuhn discusses the new LAO report "Year-One Survey: Update on School District Finance and Flexibility." Format: Year-One Survey: Update on School District Finance and Flexibility May 4, 2010 - We surveyed public school districts in California to see how they are responding to various state and federal developments.

LAO Publications

In this report, we review the Governor’s budget and policy proposals to address the deficit, recap the enacted special session changes to the program in both the current y ear and the budget year, and offer our recommendations for additional budget-year actions, including long-term changes to the program.

LAO Publications

Format: November 21, 2008 - Powerpoint presentation to the California Association of School Business Officials which examines the LAO's Fiscal Forecast, An Overview of the Governor's (November) K-12 Special S ession Proposals and an LAO Assessment of the proposals.

LAO Publications

Taken as a whole, our reform package would relieve school districts and community colleges of performing hund reds of activities that provide little value to students while providing them with adequate and timely compensation for the activities still required of them.

LAO Publications

All Years2018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621961196019591958195719561955195419531952195119501949194819471945All PublicationsHandoutOtherPostReportReport The Master Plan at 50: Greater Than the Sum of Its

LAO Publications

Many of this year's budget solutions will require significant time for departments to implement. Therefore, the Legislature and the Governor need to agree to a framework to solve much of the budget problem by the end of March. ( Video of Mac Taylor's press conference ) Format:

LAO Publications

In this report, we examine a number of n ew programs and schools that have been approved in the last few years to determine the efficacy of the state’s approval process. We conclude that there are several structural chang es that are needed to improve the approval process including (a) measuring supply and demand in major fields, (b) identifying the extent to

LAO Publications

To address significant budget deficits forecast in future years, the Legislature also needs to begin work this year on measures that further improve the efficiency of state services for 2010–11 and beyond.

LAO Publications

We also find that, over many years, the Department of Water Resources has been allocating costs to the state under Davis-Dolwig that are significantly in excess of the direct costs to SWP for recreation.

LAO Publications

In addition, we project over $700 million more in local property taxes for school districts. If the Legislature were to adopt our offi ce's higher revenue forecast and property tax estimates, General Fund spending under Proposition 98 would increase $2.7 billion, relative to the administration's May forecast.