Results for 서울시 tax

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And, as discussed later, the specific methods used to achieve privat- ization cover a wide range, including contracts, loans, subsidies, deregu- lation, tax expenditures, government corporations, private franchises, public-private enterprises, asset sales, and many others.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill

Of the proposed $3.5  billion total, $1.8  billion is from the General Fund, $1.4  billion is from local property tax revenues, and $300  million is primarily from student fees and state lottery funds.

1997-98 Budget Analysis: The Governor's Corporate

Source: Federation of Tax Administrators. The corporate tax rate by itself, however, provides only partial information on the tax burden facing a corporation. Without knowing the nature of the tax base to which a tax rate is applied, and tax credits that may affect final tax

1997-98 Budget Analysis: Perspectives and Issues, Part III

Specifically, we estimate that personal income and sales taxes will exceed the budget estimate significantly, but that bank and corporation taxes will fall well below the administration's estimates. Income Taxes.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: State Fiscal Picture

Again, the increase is largely related to higher income tax collections. Thus, for the two years combined, we project $1.3 billion more in revenue than the administration. Proposition 98 Interaction.

2000 Budget Perspectives: State Fiscal Picture

Tax Relief . Under our revenue projections, all of the triggered VLF rate reductions that were enacted in 1998 will automatically occur as scheduled. However, given the state's positive fisca l outlook and depending on its own priorities, the Legislature may wish to provide additional one-time or ongoing tax relief with some of the added resources we have identified.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; CC Aging

Fourth, because California income taxes are an itemized deduction on federal income tax returns, as much as one-third of the state's credit paid to certain taxpayers will wind up " in the pockets" of the federal government.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Forestry And Fire Protection (3540)

For instance, it could be collected by county tax assessors along with the property tax assessment. However, under this option, the state could be obligated to reimburse counties for an added administrative cost burden placed on the county.

2003 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 1

Court Security Fund Swap Is Not Realignment Under the administration's realignment plan, 6.54  percent of the revenues raised by the new sales tax is deposited into the Trial Court Trust Fund for court security purposes.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Forestry And Fire Protection (3540)

Such a fee could be collected using the existing timber tax collection system which reli es on the Board of Equalization. Idaho uses a similar fee structure and charges timber operators a 12-cent tax per 1,000 board feet of harvested timber to partially offse t the costs of providing wildland fire protection services.