Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Redevelopment After Reform: A Preliminary Look

Cities, counties, school s and special districts continue to receive all of the property taxes they had received up to that point. All of the growth in property taxes in the project area, however, is allocated to the redevelopment agency as "tax-increment " revenue.

[PDF] California Update: The 1995-96 Budget Outlook

Gould poses a $3 billion budget risk by invalidating certain Proposition 98 loans provided to schools and community colleges by the state. Under the decision, the carryover deficit would increase by $1.8 billion in order to recognize past off-budget loan expenditures, and overthe two-year period spending could increase by $1.2 billion because the past loans would increase the ongoing Proposi- tion 98 base funding level.

[PDF] California Update: The “Trigger” Mechanism

October 15------------ -1 -¢- 1995-96 Trigger: Controller reestimates year-end cash position with input and review by Legislative Analyst. A 1995-96 cash deficit triggers subsequent actions. October 31 1 ~ Governor must propose legislation for spending cutsl revenue increases to eliminate any 1995-96 cash deficit identified by the Controller.

[PDF] Highlights of the Analysis and P&I

We suggest modifications to increase the proposal's effectiveness, and encourage the Legislature to consider the state's restructuring needs within a long-term context (Perspectives and Issues, page 109). » Restructuring of School Finance Needed to Increase Local Flexibility • The existing system of funding K-12 general education limits local program flexibility and does not encourage school district accountability to local communities.

[PDF] Redevelopment After Reform: A Preliminary Look

Despite evidence that this action indirectly would increase the state's costs for school apportion- ments by $1.7 billion over the 27 years and that the pass-through agreement may exceed statutory limits, the DOF did not pursue an enforcement action.

[PDF] State Housing Program Issues for 1994-95

The department's report shows that the HCD will have spent $30 million to administer the RHCP, FHDP, and CHRP through the end of the budget year-and that the department will spend about $200 million to administer these programs for the term of the regulatory agreements (generally 25 to 50 years).

[PDF] Supplemental Analysis 1994-95 Budget Bill: Department of Motor Vehicles

Supplemental Analysis 1994-95 Budget Bill: Department of Motor Vehicles Database Redesign We recommend that the Legislature delete $7.5 million (Item 2740-001-044) to continue the database redevelopment project in the budget year as initially proposed.

[PDF] Supplemental Analysis 1994-95 Budget Bill: Department of Finance

Our review of the OIT's performance over the past several years indicates that the office has not fulfilled its leadership role, and that this has resulted in a more costly statewide implementation of computer systems.


Victimization surveys generally show that there is a significant amou nt of crime committed each year that goes unreported to law enforcement authorities and therefore is not counted in official statistics.


In addition to state facilities, the state has provided substantial funding assistance to local governments for schools, jails, parks, and other facilities. Most of this assistance has come from gener al obligation bonds and for the most part is not included in the budget act.