Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Cal Facts 1996, California's Population

More than two-thirds of school-age children will be Hispanic, Asian, or Black. The population over age 50, however, will remain predominantly (non-Hispanic) White.

Schools Receive More Than Half of Property

Schools Receive More Than Half of Property Taxes Share of Property Tax After passage of Proposition 13 in 1978, the state increased its funding of schools and shifted property tax allocations from schools to other local entities to mitigate their Pro position 13 revenue losses. 1992-93 and 1993-94 budget actions shifted $3.9 billion to

Fees for UC professional school students have

Fees for UC professional school students have increased significantly since 1993-94, in line with legislative intent to increase these fees over the next several years to the avera ge of fees charged at comparable public universities.

Policy Brief: Reversing the Property Tax Shifts

In 1994-95, the Legislature appropriated $25 million to counties to augment their pr operty tax collection efforts. In 1995-96, the Legislature authorized a three-year program to provide up to $60 million annually in off-budget, forgivable loans to counties to incr ease property tax collection efforts.

Bond Debt Update

In general, however, the $25 billion provides a reasonable assessment of the overall magnitude of five-year capital outlay needs. Limits on Meeting Capital Outlay Needs. As shown in Figure  2, even if the state had a relatively high debt ratio of 7  percent, it could sell only $16  billion in bonds over the next five years.

Overview of the 1996-97 May Revision

The balance would be spent for a variety of programs, including block grants to schools, new instruction materials, deferred maintenance, and the Governor's Readi ng Improvement Initiative. Community College funding would increase by $269 million.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year Legislative Analyst's Office, July 7, 1996 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE 1996 BUDGET ACT 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR CONTAINING STATEMENTS OF INTENT OR REQUESTS FOR STUDIES ADOPTED BY THE LEGISLATURE State and Consumer Services Item 1700-001-0001--Department of Fair Employment and Housing Item 1730-001-0001--Franchise Tax Board Item

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

Use of School Land Bank Fund. The State Lands Commission (SLC) shall submit a report by March 1, 1997, to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on options for the use of monies in the School Land Bank Fund (S LBF).

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

The department shall provide data to the Legislature and the ICC by September 1, 1996 on the number and types of complaints against the Early Start Program at the state and local l evel since the 1995-96 fiscal year.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

It is the intent of the Legislature that the UC submit a report to the legislative fiscal committees by December 1 of each year for the next five years on actual expenditures for building maintenance.