Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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October 1997 California Update

This is virtually identical to the average monthly gain for the past year. California's expansion continues to be led by growth in high-technology manufacturing and s ervices, but every major industry sector is sharing in the gains.

Budget Overview

General purpose and categorical program funding for the projected 1.7  percent growth in the student population accounts for $507  million, or 25  percent of available funds. The proposal to increase the length of the school year to 180 days (also known as "staff development day buy-out ") accounts for another $350  million, or 17  percent.

Rethinking the Cal-Vet Loan Program Part II

State law requires the board to report by August 1 of each year on "the activities, accomplishments, and expenditures of the board " during the prior calendar year. We recommend that the board's report be changed to require that it cover the activities of the prior fiscal year, not the prior calendar year.

Taking Advantage of New Federal Higher Education Tax Credits

Figure 1 Key Features of the Hope Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Tax Credits Hope Scholarship What years of college are covered? First two years only. Must be at least half-time. Part-time or full-time.

Major Features of the 1998 California Budget

Figure 2 Potential Future VLF Tax Cuts (Dollars In Billions) Total Percent Reduction In VLF First Possible ImplementationDate Resulting Calendar Year Fiscal Impact       In order for any of these additional tax cuts to be made permanent, triggers would have to be reached for two consecutive years.

[PDF] High Priority Projects in California

Irwin Road from I-15 to Fort Irwin 1.1 1.9 60 San Bernardino Reconstruct I-215 and construct HOV lanes between 2nd Street and 9th Street, San Bernardino 2.1 3.4 60 San Bernardino Construct I-10/Pepper Avenue Interchange 6.6 11.0 60 San Bernardino Widen I-15 in San Bernardino County 18.0 70.7 26 San Bernardino Widen 5th Street and replace 5th Street bridge in Highland, Califor- nia 0.8 1.3 60 San

State and Regional Economic Developments in California

As a result of the three years of moderate growth which followed, California finally reached its prerecession employment peak in the third quarter of 1996. Since then, however, economic growth has accelerated, with the state adding nearly 900,000 jobs in the past two years.

State and Regional Economic Developments in California

Vacancy rate s are near all-time lows, and land prices have been bid up to historic highs in recent years. For example, the median price of an existing home in the Santa Clara MSA has jumped fr om $250,000 to $380,000 during the past two years alone, and now stands 80  percent above the statewide average.

[PDF] An LAO Report State Should Employ “Best Practices” On Information Technology Projects

For example, it is easier for IT staff to tell executives after three months of problem solving on a year long project to modify or abandon the project than it would be after investing three years. Smaller projects with established milestones reduce the risk of financial loss.

Overhauling the State's Infrastructure

Given the projected growth in school enrollments and the condition of older s chool buildings, even after these bonds are allocated to school districts over the next four years, there will continue to be a multibillion dollar need for school construction and renovation for at least several more years.