Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Recommended Legislation, 1998: Resources

Transferring the beverage container recycling program to IWMB would result in some administrative cost savings (probably in the range of $100,000 per year). Perhaps more importa ntly, merging these programs would improve the integration and coordination of the state's recycling efforts, thus increasing their effectiveness.

1998 Cal Facts Program Trends--Part II

California's Crime Rate Reduced Substantially Since 1980 Peak Rate Per 100,000 Population The crime rate reached its peak in 1980, declined for four years, increased slightly in the late 1980s, and has declined each year since 1991.

1998 Cal Facts State Finances

The year-to-year growth of capital gains can be quite erratic and is very sensitive to economic conditions. Sales Tax Rates Vary by County Sales tax rates vary by county because of the optional sales taxes which counties can choose to levy.

Chapter 1: The Budget Outlook

As discussed in Chapter  4, the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) tax reduction measure passed earlier this year provided for a 25  percent reduction in the VLF rate. This measure specified that additional VLF reductions could occur beginning in 2000-01, if revenues exceed the Department of Finance's May 1998 revenue forecast by at least $1.5  billion.

Chapter 2: Economics and Demographic Projections

Our year-to-year demographic projections are shown in Figure  6, which depicts both total annual population and yearly percent changes. The projected pace of population growth is faster than that which occurred in the first half of the 1990s , but is slower than the 2.5 plus percent pace of the late 1980s.

[PDF] California’s Fiscal Outlook: LAO's Economic and Budget Projections 1998-99 to 2003-04

California’s Fiscal Outlook: LAO's Economic and Budget Projections 1998-99 to 2003-04 87-88 91-92 95-96 99-00 03-04 Forecast Legislative Analyst’s Office 25 California’s Fiscal Outlook can be attributed to factors such as AIDS-related disabilities, federal expansion of eligibility, and outreach programs.

Cal Update August 1998

Recognizing current record keeping problems, the department also intends to implement a 2  percent performance incentive payment next year for better reporting of patient data by Medi-Cal managed care plans.

Cal Update May 98--Revenues Up Sharply

Thus, a key issue for the May Revision is the extent to which the current-year revenu e gain is assumed to be repeated in the budget year. Proposition  98 Interaction . In contrast to the previous two years, when upward revenue revisions were matched by equally large increases to the formula-driven Proposition  98 minimum funding guarantee, it

October Update

For example, California wage and salary employment inc reased at an annual rate of just over 2  percent during the third quarter of this year, compared to quarterly gains of well-over 3  percent during most of 1997 and early 1998.

[PDF] Special Education: Nonpublic School and Nonpublic Agency Study Final Report

Special Education: Nonpublic School and Nonpublic Agency Study Final Report 0-12 years 50.43 20.55 17.60 12-16 years 31.08 36.75 31.54 More than 16 years 18.48 42.70 50.86 Note: Data taken from California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS).