Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Cap-and-Trade: Budget Conference Issues

The Senate plan adds $495 million, largely driven by a $500 million increase for a new program that would allocate funding to counties for greenhouse gas (GHG)-reducing programs that benefi t disadvantaged communities.  Both Houses Make Changes to Eligible Uses of Funds.

[PDF] Prison and Parole Population Management Options

No county would shift more than 70 percent of countywide district property taxes. Shifts from specifi c districts could vary signifi cantly. Voter-approved property taxes (taxes over the 1 percent rate) and property assessments are exempt from reallocation.

[PDF] Governor's May Revision Proposal to Shift Certain Offenders to County Jails

This program could be modi- fi ed to ensure that counties are awarded funding for additional jail beds in a more timely manner.  Provide Counties With More Flexibility. Counties could be given fl exibility in allocating block grant funds among affected county departments.

[PDF] Overview of the Division of Juvenile Facilities

Recently, legislation was approved as part of the 2010-11 budget to shift the responsibility of supervising offenders released to the community from DJF facilities to county probation departments.  Characteristics of Wards.

[PDF] Overview of the Judicial Branch Budget

Total Judicial Branch Funding Since 2000-01 (In Billions) 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10b 10-11b 11-12 12-13 (estimated) 13-14 (proposed) Realigned Court Securitya General Fund a 2011 realignment shifted responsibility for funding most court security costs from the state General Fund to counties.

[PDF] Governor’s May Revision: Budget Trailer Bill Changes to the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act

.  Authorizes state and local governments to collect specifi ed fees and taxes, as well as issue penalties for violations. State departments can establish licensing fees to cover regulatory costs.  Requires state to set standards for labeling, testing, and packaging medical marijuana products and to develop an information technology system to track such products throughout the

[PDF] Governor’s Trial Court Construction Proposal

SCFCF = State Court Facilities Construction Fund and ICNA = Immediate and Critical Needs Account. 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E April 9, 2018 Insuffi cient Funding to Complete Planned Projects Summary of ICNA Trial Court Construction Projects Completed Projects (12 Projects) Projects On Hold (16 Projects) Alameda—New East County (Dublin) Courthouse El

[PDF] California's Enterprise Zone Programs

The number of employees claimed to be employed on tax returns grew from 24,190 to 103,999 between 1999 and 2008. In 2008, 36,976 were claimed as “new” employees.  In 2008, the hiring and sales tax credits resulted in $274 million of reduced corporation tax revenues for the state.  Substantial Benefi ts for Large Businesses.

[PDF] Proposition 98 May Revision Proposal

School districts would receive the $100 million in federal special education funding distributed on a per pupil basis, which would offset the General Fund transfer to the counties. • Reduce Costs on the Education Credit Card.