Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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What Will It Mean for California? The Tobacco Settlement

The global settlement proposed $368 billion over 25 years in payments to the states as oppos ed to the current agreement which is $206 billion over 25 years. From a public health standpoint, probably the most significant policy difference between the two settlements is that the global settlement would have changed current federal law to allow the U.S.

[PDF] A Special Session Guide T To

We believe the principles outlined in this section will help the Legislature craft effective measures to improve both the quality and the number of teachers in California’s public schools. In addition, we believe they will assist the Legislature in deciding how to better spend the over $600 million cur- rently spent on teacher training each year.

A Special Session Guide to K-12 Reform

The state role in K-12 education has changed significantly over the last 25 years--from a system that was primarily local in nature to one that is heavily controlled by state decis ion making. In this process, however, the state did not evaluate the impact of these changes on districts' ability to foster high-quality schools.

CalWORKs Community Service--What Does It Mean for California?

For 1999-00, the Governor's budget proposal for CalWORKs is at the MOE floor, plus an additional $25 million from the General Fund for part of the Welfar e-to-Work match. When this proposed $25 million for 1999-00 is added to the $10.2 million expended for the match in 1998-99, an obligation to expend $147 million in matching funds would remain.

[PDF] A K-12 Master Plan

For instance: A K-12 Master Plan—Starting the Process 55 • Layoff Notices Must Be Issued by March 15 of Each Year. If notices are not issued, teachers have a right to employment in the district during the next year.

[PDF] An LAO Overview of the 1999-00 May Revision

Our own updated fore- cast for the current year and budget year are higher than the administration’s estimates by a combined total of $360 million. Budget Still Vulnerable to Threats. Although the May Revision fully funds caseloads and most other anticipated costs, it remains vulnerable to budget threats–particularly relating to federal funds.

Substance Abuse Treatment in California: Services Are Cost-Effective to Society

The Adolescent Treatment Program (ATP) grants ranged f rom $50,000 to $900,000 and will fund such projects as a new multicounty residential treatment facility, neighborhood-based youth center programs, and day treatment programs at con tinuation school sites.

Higher Education "Compacts": An Assessment

Guaranteed minimum increases to UC and CSU support budgets would be most problematic during years in which General Fund revenues grow less than 4 percent. This was the case in four of the past ten years.

The Role of Water Transfers in Meeting California's Water Needs

According to DWR, the SWP has been able to accommodate all reques ts in past years to use SWP facilities to transfer water. However, there is a growing concern that operational constraints resulting from environmental problems (like the Delta sme lt issue) will increasingly limit transfers in future years, unless new ways of addressing environmental water needs are developed.

[PDF] An LAO Report The Role of Water Transfers in Meeting California’s Water Needs

In past years, the average annual water supply has generally been sufficient to meet demands. However, the Depart- ment of Water Resources (DWR) projects that, by 2020, demands will exceed supplies by 2.4 million Legislative Analyst’s Office