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[PDF] Proposition 98 Overview

June 2, 2004 Page 3 LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE Figure 4 Proposition 98 Ongoing K-12 Funds LAO Proposed Compromise (In Millions) Page Program Governor Senate Assembly LAO K-12 203 State special schools—salary equity — — $4.7 $1.0 217 Deferred maintenance $184.1 $212.6 184.1 184.1a 218 Instructional materials—low-performing schools — 85.0 — — 224 Charter schools 52.8 52.8 57.0 52.8 225 School safety

[PDF] Concerns with the Williams Settlement

The SPI resolves appeals of parent complaints of school-level TIF issues. 6 LAO County Office Role in Compliance Visit all decile 1 through 3 schools annually to determine whether TIF standards are met.

[PDF] Commission on Teacher Credentialing

This would streamline the process—making CTC processing time irrelevant and eliminating the need for county offices to issue temporary county certificates. The California State University has ex- pressed interest in participating in this type of program.

[PDF] K-12 High Speed Network

. • A recent survey of county office education technology experts found that only 39 percent of respondents were even aware of any specific uses of the High Speed Network (HSN). • The state has not yet clearly indicated what problem it is attempting to address or what it expects to achieve with a high speed K-12 network.

[PDF] Proposition 98: How California Funds K-14 Education

Reduce progressivity of the PIT rate structure Potentially substantial reduction. • Shift in tax burdens among income groups. • Reduction in revenue growth. 4. Rebalance mix of taxes away from PIT Modest reduction. • Some shift in tax burdens among income groups. • Some reduction in revenue growth. 5.

[PDF] History and Development of Charter School Policy in California

Legislation enacted in 2002: (1) modifi ed the county/state review and appeals process; (2) required a petition to identify each charter school site; (3) generally required these sites to be located within geographic boundaries of local school district; (4) gave counties authority to monitor charter schools; and (5) required charter schools to submit budget

[PDF] May Revision Changes to Proposition 98

Change 2005-06 Budget Act 2006-07 Amount Percent K-12 $44,644 $49,111 $4,467 10.0% Community colleges 5,217 5,886 669 12.8 Other 107 114 7 6.5 Totals $49,968 $55,111 $5,143 10.3% General Fund $36,591 $41,295 $4,704 12.9% Local property tax 13,377 13,817 440 3.2 K-12 attendance 6,031,404 5,957,368 -74,036 -1.2 K-12 per-pupil spending $7,402 $8,291 $889 12.0 LAO 65 YEARS OF

[PDF] Overview of the Governor's 2006-07 Budget Proposal

Overview of the Governor's 2006-07 Budget Proposal Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 On Education Finance Overview of the Governor’s 2006-07 Budget Proposal L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E LAO 65 YEARS OF SERVICE March 15, 2006 LAO 65 YEARS OF SERVICE 1L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 15, 2006 Governor’s 2006-07 Higher Education Budget

[PDF] Proposition 98 Overview

This is primarily due to the end of a two-year transfer of local property taxes from local governments to schools. $48.3 billion of Proposition 98 spending would go to K-12 education, which is $3.7 billion, or 8.4, percent over the proposed 2005-06 level.

[PDF] Proposition 82 Overview

The SPI would also determine the per-pupil funding rate and amount distributed to counties for facility needs. County Offi ces of Education would have primary responsibility for implementing the program at the local level, including: Developing plans for how the program will be implemented in the county.