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[PDF] Overview of Federal School Improvement Program

Tiered Intervention Program for Districts in Corrective Action Participation in Corrective Action Program Number of Districts Number of Funded Schools Identified in 2007-08 Tier 1 7 43 Tier 2 37 400 Tier 3 53a 701 Subtotals (97) (1,144) Identified in 2008-09 Tier 1 1 6 Tier 2 25 161 Tier 3 24b 67 Subtotals (50) (234) Expected in 2009-10 Tier 1 1 5 Tier 2 18 140 Tier 3 17 64 Subtotals (35)

[PDF] California’s Fiscal Outlook: Proposition 98 Briefing

.  $3 billion in other solutions at risk—Prisons and Medical Receiver, employee compensation, Medi-Cal, In-Home Supportive Services, property tax revenues, information technology.  We assume Proposition 22 reduces 2010-11 solutions by nearly $800 million.  State would exhaust $1.3 billion reserve assumed in 2010-11 budget package.

[PDF] Federal Education Funds: An Update and Key Issues

. $72.6 Teacher pathways Fund Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to train teachers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). 64.4 County Offi ces of Education Create regional leads to support RTTT LEAs. 32.7 Principal induction Establish a principal induction program. 20.5 Evaluation Hire contractor to evaluate RTTT effectiveness. 14.5 Evaluating teachers and principals

[PDF] LAO Recommendations for 2010-11 K-12 Education Budget

Results in net loss of about 8,000 slots. 60 Child care reimbursement rates: CalWORKs Stage 2 and 3, Alternative Payment programs Reduce license-exempt rates from 90 to 70 percent of licensed rates. 45 County offi ces of education (COE) Reduce general purpose revenue limit allocation by 10 percent.

[PDF] Overview of the K-14 Mandate System and Recommendations for Reform

Claiming Instructions School districts follow State Controller claiming instructions when filing ongoing claims. 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E April 8, 2010 State Imposes 51 Education Mandates, Hundreds of Associated Requirements Comprehensive List of K-14 Mandatesa Claimable Only by K-12 School Districts (36) Included in 2009-10 Budget Act AIDS Prevention Instruction I-II

[PDF] Overview of 2010-11 Higher Education Budget

Most students qualify for full fee coverage through Board of Governor’s waiver or federal tax credits. Community Colleges Are Serving Significantly More Students Than Funded Enrollment Levels 2006-07 Through 2009-10 (Full-Time Equivalent Students, in Millions) 1.00

[PDF] Overview of Governor’s Child Care Proposals

Governor Proposes Signifi cant Reductions to Child Care Budget Governor’s Proposed Changes to Child Care and Development Budget (In Millions) 2010-11 Change From January January Budget May Revision Amount Percent CalWORKs Stage 2 and 3/Alternative payment $1,172 $963 $458 -$505 -52% General child care 797 797 131 -666 -84 CalWORKs Stage 1 547 444 120a -324 -73 Migrant child care 39 36 5 -31 -85

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget

.  Remainder consists of various fund shifts, including a major transportation tax proposal as well as proposals to put measures relating to early childhood development funds and mental health funds on June ballot.  If federal relief does not materialize, Governor’s plan proposes to trigger certain revenue increases and expenditure reductions.

[PDF] Overview of Special Session Proposals: Proposition 98 Budget

.  No longer attributes Proposition 42 gas-tax revenues toward Proposition 98 (roughly $800 million savings).  Does not shift redevelopment agency revenues to schools in 2010-11 (roughly $300 million cost).

[PDF] Overview of the Child Care and Development Budget

Overview of the Child Care and Development Budget Change From 2009-10 Amount Percent CalWORKs Child Care Stage 1 $616 $547 $444 -$103a -18.8% Stage 2b 505 476 436 -41 -8.5 Stage 3 418 409 262 -147 -36.0 Subtotals ($1,539) ($1,432) ($1,141) (-$291) (-20.3%) Non-CalWORKs Child Care General child care $780 $797 $794 -$3 -0.4% Other child care programs 329 321 303 -18 -5.6 Subtotals ($1,109) ($1,118)