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Major Features of the 2006 California Budget [Publication Details]

Jul 7, 2006 - On June 27, 2006, the Legislature passed the 2006-07 Budget Bill along with implementing legislation which authorizes total spending of $127.9 billion, of which $101.3 billion is from the General Fund and $26.6 billion is from special funds. The 2006-07 budget reflects a sharply improving fiscal picture, brought about by continued stronger-than-expected growth in General Fund revenues.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 8 (Firefighters) [Publication Details]

Jun 2, 2006 - We provide a fiscal analysis of the proposed MOU with Bargaining Unit 8, Firefighters. We believe that the Department of Personnel Administratrtion's (DPA) estimates of additional costs resulting from the MOU are too low. We estimate that net costs for the state will likely increase by at least $13 million in 2006-07 and $12 million in 2007-08 ($6 million more than indicated by DPA in each year).

Overview of the 2006-07 May Revision [Publication Details]

May 15, 2006 - The state’s strong revenue performance-a $7.5 billion increase since January-presents an extraordinary opportunity for the Legislature.

Strategies for Improving Child Support Collections In California [Publication Details]

May 3, 2006 - Despite reform attempts, California continues to lag the nation in the collection of child support and in its performance on federal outcome measures. We recommend creating a performance-based system which gives counties the flexibility and financial incentives to meet state-established performance benchmarks.

California’s Taxation of Vessels, Vehicles, and Aircraft: Out-of-State Purchases [Publication Details]

May 2, 2006 - California’s Taxation of Vessels, Vehicles, and Aircraft: Out-of-State Purchases [Publication Details] California’s Taxation of Vessels, Vehicles, and Aircraft: Out-of-State Purchases Format: HTML Description: In 2004, California temporarily extended, from 90 days to one year, the time that recently purchased vessels, vehicles, and aircraft must be kept out of California in order to avoid the state’s use tax.

Modernizing the Functions Of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing [Publication Details]

Apr 27, 2006 - State law establishes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and entrusts it with accrediting teacher preparation programs, credentialing teachers, and monitoring teacher conduct. In this report, we describe each of these three teacher-quality functions, identify related shortcomings, and propose various recommendations for overcoming them.

Strengthening Public Safety of Waste Facilities and Surface Mines: Financial Assurances [Publication Details]

Apr 26, 2006 - The state has long recognized its responsibility to protect the general health and safety of the people of California.

Funding Enrollment Growth at UC and CSU [Publication Details]

Mar 28, 2006 - Year-to-year changes in the state’s higher education costs are greatly influenced by changes in student enrollment levels. Each year as part of the annual budget process, the Legislature must determine (1) how many additional students will enroll at the University of California and the California State University and (2) how much it will cost to serve those additional students.

Higher Education Student Fees [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2006 - Holding this share constant would entail modest fee increases of 3.5 percent at the University of California (UC), 3.0 percent at the California State University (CSU), and 7.0 percent at the California Community College (CCC).

Recidivism Reduction Proposal Requires Modification [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2006 - The Governor’s budget includes funds to develop and expand a number of prison inmate and parole programs designed to reduce recidivism. While some aspects of this proposal have merit, many aspects lack important staffing and implementation details, and it is questionable that the department will be able to successfully implement so many programs at one time.