Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of the Child Care and Development Budget

Overview of the Child Care and Development Budget Change From 2009-10 Amount Percent CalWORKs Child Care Stage 1 $616 $547 $444 -$103a -18.8% Stage 2b 505 476 436 -41 -8.5 Stage 3 418 409 262 -147 -36.0 Subtotals ($1,539) ($1,432) ($1,141) (-$291) (-20.3%) Non-CalWORKs Child Care General child care $780 $797 $794 -$3 -0.4% Other child care programs 329 321 303 -18 -5.6 Subtotals ($1,109) ($1,118)

[PDF] Overview of the Governor’s Proposition 98 May Revision Proposal

(The Governor still proposes policy language to ease contracting out restrictions.)  Proposed $45 million revenue limit reduction for County Offi ces of Education reduced to $28 million and no longer tied to con- solidation of services.  Revenue limit reductions would be applied as a percentage reduction to base revenue limits, not a per-pupil reduction as proposed in January, but no corresponding defi cit factor would be established.

[PDF] Overview of the Proposition 98 Budget

Overview of Governor’s Proposition 98 Funding Levels Governor’s Proposition 98 Funding Proposal (In Millions) 2009-10 2010-11 January Budget May Revision Change K-12 Education General Fund $30,844 $32,022 $1,178 $32,023 $30,927 -$1,096 Local property tax revenue 13,237 12,105 -1,133 11,950 11,529 -422 Subtotals ($44,082) ($44,127) ($45) ($43,974) ($42,456) (-$1,518) California

[PDF] AB 3632 Mental Health Services

Possible sources include federal special education funding, Proposition 98 funding, local property taxes (including funds redirected from redevelopment projects), and/or Proposition 63 funds.  Convene Work Group to Address Transitional Issues.

[PDF] Mental Health Services for Students: Overview of May Revision Proposals

.  In California, Responsibility for Student Mental Health Services Shifted From Schools to Counties in 1984. Providing these services, commonly referred to as “AB 3632 services,” was determined to be a state reimbursable mandate to counties.  Counties Provide a Range of Services.

[PDF] Mental Health Services for Students: Overview of May Revision Proposals

.  In California, Responsibility for Student Mental Health Services Shifted From Schools to Counties in 1984. Providing these services, commonly referred to as “AB 3632 services,” was determined to be a state reimbursable mandate to counties.  Counties Provide a Range of Services.

[PDF] Overview of Child Care and Development Budget

The budget package also relied on $52 million in one-time funds to support ongoing programs, eliminated $16 million of CCD quality improvement activities that were funded with expiring federal funds, and eliminated $9 million in support for county-based Centralized Eligibility Lists.

[PDF] Overview of Education Mandates

Claiming Instructions School districts follow State Controller claiming instructions when filing ongoing claims. 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February 1, 2011 State Imposes 43 Education Mandates, Hundreds of Associated Requirements Comprehensive List of K-14 Mandatesa Claimable Only by K-12 School Districts (30) AIDS Prevention Instruction I-II Juvenile Court Notices II

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget_Assembly

Governor’s Proposition 98 Package Assumes Adoption of Tax Package General Fund Tax Proposals Increase Proposition 98 Funding (In Billions) 2010-11 2011-12 Two-Year Totals General Fund Revenue Proposals Extend the 0.25 percent point personal income tax surcharge for fi ve years $1.2 $2.1 $3.3 Extend reduction in dependent exemption credit for fi

[PDF] Proposition 98 Overview of May Revision Proposals

Increase of $2.7 billion due to baseline improvements.  Tax Proposals. Net decrease of $375 million from Governor’s January General Fund tax proposal.  If Governor’s May General Fund tax package were rejected, minimum guarantee would decrease by $1.7 billion.  Rebenching.