Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

The other is a Board of Control ruling which has transferred certain items in housing' supplies and services, miscellaneous small tools, and operating supplies and expenses from the equipm~nt category to the operating expense category.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Department of Professional and Vocational Standards

In the Fiscal Year 1951-52, it is proposed to transfer these positions to the Division of Fish and Game and to have the Marine Research Committee contract with the Division of Fish and Game for the necessary services.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: HORSE RACING BOARD

These fees are estimated to exceed expendi- turesby $15,490 in 1951-52, and this amount will be transferred to the General Fund. . We recommend approval of the amount requested. HORSE RACING BOARD IT E M 230 of the Budget Bill Budget page 709 Budget line No.8 For Support of Horse Racing Board From the Fair 'and Exposition Fund Amount


The direct beneficiaries of this service are the cities of the State anq, in a few instances, county governments. Admittedly the service is desirable as it is not feasible for all cities to maintain specialist recrea- tion staffs for occasional surveys.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Emergency Fund

The money so transferred may be expended to carry out the provisions of the California Disaster Act for the relief and alleviation of the state of extreme emergency. Upon the termination of the period of the state of extreme emergency, the unencumbered balance of the money so transferred shall be returned to the Revenue Deficiency Reserve Fund.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: General Administration

This function is being carried separately so that it may be transferred to the Disbursements Division of the Controller's Office when the centralized pay roll unit has absorbed the pay roll functions of all state agencies.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

If only 75 percent of the crime reports are processed this way and 25 percent are merely filed in numerical sequence by city, among this 25 percent may be reports which, if processed in the same manner as the 75 percent, might result in the early apprehension of criminals.


Other transactions such as transfers, address changes, et cetera, are estimated at 1,656,000 for 1952-53, an increase of 83,000. The total for all transactions for 1952-53 is 7,486,000, an increase of 373,419, or 5.2 percent.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: Executive

For purposes of extreme emergency as defined by Section 1505 of the Military and Veterans Code, it provides that this money or so much as necessary shall be transferred to the Emer- gency Fundupon direction of the Governor, 90ntroller and Director of Finance and pursuant to the recommendation of the California State Disaster Council.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: BOARD OF CONTROL

The annual fees charged for such licenses are fixed by location of premise, as follows: Location of premises: In cities of 40,000 population or over ________________________________ $525 In cities of less than 40,000 but more than 20,000 population____________ 375 In all other localities_____________________________________________ 325 Equalization ~ 198- A