Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Restructuring the K-12 Funding System

New formula also would apply to charter schools but not to county offi ces of education.  Equal base grant for every student ($4,920 in 2012-13).  Additional “weight” of 37 percent ($1,820 in 2012-13) for every English Learner (EL) and economically disadvantaged student, as measured by participation in Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) program.  Additional “concentration”

[PDF] Restructuring the K-12 Funding System

New formula also would apply to charter schools but not to county offices of education. „ Equal base grant for every student ($4,920 in 2012-13). „ Additional “weight” of 37 percent ($1,820 in 2012-13) for every English Learner (EL) and economically disadvantaged student, as measured by participation in Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) program. „ Additional “concentration”

[PDF] The Weighted Student Funding Formula and English Learner Students

New formula also would apply to charter schools but not to county offi ces of education.  Equal base grant for every student ($4,920 in 2012-13).  Additional “weight” of 37 percent ($1,820 in 2012-13) for every EL and ED student, as measured by participation in Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) program.  Additional “concentration” funding for districts with large proportions

State Budget Update 02/12

Assumes voters approve November 2012 tax measure. Proposes $5.4 billion in trigger reductions if measure fails. L

[PDF] Independent-Study-and-Technology-Based-Instruction

(For charter schools, cap is the higher of 25 to 1 or the ratio of the largest unifi ed school district in the county.)  Programs Subject to Various Other Requirements  May not enroll adults over age 21.  May only serve students from the county where the school is located or an adjacent county.

[PDF] Local Control Funding Formula

Enhanced County Superintendent Intervention Applies to: districts whose FCMAT evaluation determines the county superintendent requires greater authority to improve academic outcomes. County superintendent may: • Make changes to a district’s LCAP. • Revise a district’s budget to align with LCAP. • Exercise stay and rescind powers over district’s local governing board.

[PDF] Migrant Education Program

Unshaded areas indicate counties in which no eligible migrant students have been identified. Santa Clara

[PDF] Migrant Education Program

Unshaded areas indicate counties in which no eligible migrant students have been identified. Santa Clara

[PDF] Overview of Special Education Budget Proposals

Federal IDEAa Total Base Support Total Base Support 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 21, 2013 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE Local Budgets Have Covered an Increasing Share of Special Education Costs 17% Federal IDEA (ongoing) 5% a Includes local property tax revenue.

[PDF] Proposition_98_Budget_Overview

Proposition_98_Budget_Overview Preschool $368 $481 $481 — — K-12 Education General Fund $29,368 $33,406 $36,084 $2,679 8% Local property tax revenue 11,963 13,777 13,160 -618 -4 Subtotals ($41,331) ($47,183) ($49,244) ($2,061) (4%) California Community Colleges General Fund $3,279 $3,543 $4,226 $683 19% Local property tax revenue 1,974 2,256 2,171 -85 -4