Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Includes utility users tax, business license tax, and transient occupancy taxes. a Alternative Minimum Tax. b Reflects the 0.25 percent reduction in effect for 2001 calendar year. Includes rates levied for state-local program realignment and local public safety. c A 1.5 percent rate is levied on net income of Subchapter S corporations. d Inheritance and gift taxes have been repealed but still apply to gifts and deaths prior to 1982.

California's Fiscal Outlook 2000-01 Through 2005-06 Part 2

Real gross domestic product (GDP) is on track to increase by over 5 percent during the current year--a dram atic gain given that the economy is in its tenth year of expansion and is operating at full employment.

California's Fiscal Outlook 2000-01 Through 2005-06 Part 3

As shown in Figure 4, withholding paym ents grew at a 19 percent year-over-year pace through the first three quarters of calendar year 2000--nearly double the pace that would normally be expected during a period of econ omic expansion.

California's Fiscal Outlook 2000-01 Through 2005-06 Part 4a

Also included in this category are large one-time expenditures for trans portation and other programs in both the prior and current years. Proposition 98--K-14 EDUCATION State spending for K-14 education (K-12 schools and community colleges) is determined largely by Proposition 98 passed by the voters in 1988.

California's Fiscal Outlook 2000-01 Through 2005-06 Part 4b

The Legislature reduced the fee--which was set at 2 percent of the depreciated value of a vehicle--by 25 percent in calendar year 1999 and 35 percent in 2000. F or 2001 and thereafter, taxpayers will receive a 67.5 percent reduction in the fee, resulting in a tax rate of 0.65 percent.

2000 Recommended Legislation Education

This is approximately 57 percent of the average General Fund cost per UC student in that year. LAO Reference Please see our 2000-01 Analysis , page E-151. LAO Contact

California Spending Plan 2000-01 Chapter 2

California Spending Plan 2000-01 Chapter 2 a Rates apply to future years also. Other Tax Reductions Tax Credit for Credentialed Teachers The adopted budget calls for credentialed teachers in K-12 public and private schools to receive tax credits linked to their years of teaching experience.

California Spending Plan 2000-01 Chapter 3 Part 1

This program awards schools that achieve specified increases in pupil test scores (both low- an d high-performing schools are potentially eligible). The augmentation brings the budget-year amount for this program to $227 million, including a carryover of $96 million that was not allocated in the current year.

California Spending Plan 2000-01 Chapter 3 Part 2

Prohibits counties from earning incentives during the budget year (savings of $693 million). The budget legislation allows counties to expend up to 25 percent of their incentive funds on services for working poor families whose incomes exceed the eligibility limit for CalW ORKs.

California Spending Plan 2000-01 Chapter 3 Part 3

To reduce diesel emissions, the budget includes (1) $50 million to replace or retrofit older diesel school buses and (2) $45 million for an incentives program to reduce emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines.