Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

-creased 4-'0-3 Bakersfield ________ 8,376 65 $653,328 $10,005 San Leandro ______ 3,384 38 263,952 6,946 Sacramento ------- 8,543 72 666,354 9,255 Stockton --------- 4,591 10 358,098 35,809 _ Redwood City _____ 3,001 14 234,078 16,720 San Bernardino __ ~ 4,507 13 351,546 27,042 San Diego ________ 5,261 20 410,358 20,518 East Los Angeles __ 4,013 94 313,014 3,299 It should be

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

When the cars are transferred to the state pool on July 1, 1955, this position will be eliminated from the department '8 budget, and a similar position established in the automotive management section of the De- partment of Finance.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Public Works

In 1953 the Legis- -'- 655 - Public Works Division of Water Resources-Continued lature transferred the activity of beach erosion investigation and con- . trol from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Public W or ks.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Alcoholic Beverage Control

This is part of an over-all recommendation looking toward the eventual centralized ownership of all state cars in order to achieve the maximum benefits to be derived from broad fleet ownership and con- trol, central maintenance, and extension of pool operations to the extent feasible and economical, as explained in detail in a special section in the latter part of this report under Oontrol Section 3.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

The decrease is due to a transfer of one casework consultant position to the Bureau of Adoptions. Normal salary adjust- ments have been made and travel expense is up $1,196 over estimates for this fiscal year.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

This property is on the main highway about a. quarter mile outside of the city limits and has no police protection. The fence would provide protection to the property, especially on nights and week ends,. and would tend to make the land more usable.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

The increase in sal- aries and wages in general entomology is due to the discontinuance of the projects mentioned above as budget functions and the transfer of these activities to general entomology as general survey work.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

An amount of $30,000 was transferred. It was generally believed that a greater number of posi- tions would be transferred as a result of the establishment of the Au- ditor General. For example, the Price-Waterhouse Report suggested a somewhat greater reduction in positions in the Audits Division.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

They cover such matters as regulation of construction, maintenance, use and occupancy of apartment houses and hotels out- side of cities, and apartment houses, hotels and dwellings within cities; regulation of auto courts, resorts and motels in rural areas and auto and tr'ailer parks throughout the State except in cities having and enforcing

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Department of Mental Hygiene OUT-Of-STATE DEPORTATIONS AND INSTITUTION TRANSFERS ITEM 149 of the Budget Bill Budget page 533 Budget line No. 48 FOR DEPORTATION AND INSTITUTION TRANSFER OF MENTAL PATIENTS FROM THE GENERAL FUND Amount requested _________ -,- _________________ .:.__________________ $105,275 Estimated to be expended in 1955-56 Fiscal