Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] California Update: California's Cash Crunch

Personal Income Tax Shortfall. Revenues for January and February were $61 million below forecast for the Personal Income Tax (PIT). Although receipts were down overall, withholding collections, which represent two- thirds of income tax collections and closely track the state economy, were slightly above the forecast.

Calif.'s Fiscal Outlook

MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES General Fund revenues are derived from a variety of sources, including taxes, investment income, fees, and various user charges. However, over 90 percent of all revenues come fro m the state's three largest taxes--the personal income tax, sales and use taxes, and bank and corporation taxes.

[PDF] LAO Major Features of the 1999 California Budget

OTHER TAX REDUCTION PROVISIONS Capital Gains on Small Business Stock The budget adopted by the Legislature removes the sunset provision for the partial income tax exclusion of capital gains on small business stock.

August Calupdate 1999 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

Contact--Steve Boilard--(916) 445-5291 Economic and Revenue Developments The California economy continues to grow at a healthy pace in mid-1999, and these gains are being reflected in key revenue sources such as sales taxes and personal income tax withh olding.

Comments on the Administration's Spending Limit Proposal

For example, the current exemptions for transportation funding and ce rtain tobacco tax-supported expenditures would remain. Thus, spending in these areas would not be directly affected by the measure.

[PDF] Lease-Leaseback Transactions By Public Transit Districts—Sales and Use Tax Exemption

The tax deferral allows the equity partner to pay taxes at a later date using “cheap- er” dollars. Tax losses are typically incurred during the first part of the period covered by the transaction due to the equipment depreciation (as well as loan payments and the amor- tization of financing costs).

Cal Facts 2004 Program Trends

Inflation-adjusted revenues from the excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel roughly kept pace with miles traveled through most of the 1990s, as the tax rate was gradually increased from 9 cents to 18 cents per gallon.

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2006-07 Through 2011-12

Chapter 3 Revenue Projections The revenues that finance California’s state General Fund budget come from numerous sources, including taxes, fees, licenses, interest earnings, loans, and transfers. However, almost 95 percent of the total is attributable to the state’s “big three” taxes-the personal income tax (PIT), the sales and use tax (SUT), and the corporation tax (CT).

[PDF] Reforming Davis-Dolwig: Funding Recreation in the State Water Project

. ➢ A statutory change to provide an ongoing, annual appro‑ priation of $7.5 million from the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund (mainly funded from boating‑related fees and gas tax revenues) to DWR for Davis‑Dolwig costs.