Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Military

One function corollary to registering motor vehicles is collection of the'" in lieu" tax on motor vehicles; this tax is ap- portioned to the cities and counties for highway purposes. The Motor Vehicle Fund finances the major portion of the depart- ment'8 activities.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Resources

The book transfer of these positions was made by the Department of Finance so that the development planning program could be more closely controlled and would permit of a greater ease of continuous evaluation.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Our records show that approximately 85 percent of these patients can be transferred into such industrial therapy assignments each month as our butcher shop, carpenter shop, cannery, laundry, greenhouse, land- scape gardening, delivery trucks and farming activities.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Public Health

The department proposes to transfer four personnel from activities in the Chronic Disease Bureau and Acute Communicable Dis- ease Bureau for this proposed unit on California morbidity. Two per- sons presently in the Chronic Disease Bureau process chronic mor~ bidity information obtained from doctors and hospitals in the State.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

The bureau inspects all nursing homes and general hospitals except in the City and in the County of Los Angeles where these two local agencies have been dele- gated the inspection and licensing duties.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Control Section

This section permits the Department of Finance to transfer fl!nds from one agency to another when the functions performed by the re- spective agencies are transferred. SECTION 21 OF THE BUDGET BILL RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

Therefore, there appears to be no need for the transfer of other funds within the support appropriation to meet unanticipated expenditures. It also appears that this will give the department addi- tiol1al funds to be transferred to other matters if not expended for spedal fees, whereas, if it remains separate the savings revert to the General Fund.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Military

All other ablebodied male citi- zens and those who have declared their intention to become citizens who are between the ages of 18 and 45 are liable to duty in the unorganized militia. The Adjutant General is head of the Military Department.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

Under the Constitution, it has the power to transfer appeals and proceedings to and from itself and the district courts of appeal. The main office of the court is in San Francisco, with branch offices in Sacramento and Los Angeles.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

We recommend that the laboratory, eq'/,~ipment and at least the one position assigned to it be transferred to the State Department of Health, there to become part of a centralized, peace time radiological service unit, which could be available for mili- tary OJ' natural disaster '/,~se as required.