Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Minimum amount of charity care nonprofit hospitals must provide. [Ballot]

Dec 18, 2015 - Collectively, the state ’s for-profit hospitals pay tens of millions of dollars annually in the state corporate income tax. The state ’s nonprofit hospitals are generally exempt from the state corporate income tax and local property taxes.

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Implementation of Proposition 47

We discuss below the specific effects of Proposition 47 on jails, probation departments, and other county agencies. Effects on County Jails Reduction in County Jail Workload. Proposition 47 will reduce the workload for county jails associated with the individuals affected by the measure for several reasons.

Administration's trailer bill proposal related to attorney's fee awards

Mar 13, 2013 - One tax provision in Chapter 498 was a new state tax code provision—now Section 19717 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as amended—that established provisions for awarding attorney’s fees in certain tax refund cases related to California’s income and franchise taxes.

[PDF] Restructuring-the-Court-Ordered-Debt-Collection-Process

With the majority of debt revenue going to the state, counties have more incentive to focus on collecting other forms of debt that they keep a greater share of (such as probation fees). In addition, because the payments distributed to benefi t counties have a lower priority, counties often invest in collection activities over a lengthy period of

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Taxpayer Protection Act of 2010 (version 5)

These savings would be partially offset by increased state and county costs for children who shifted into state- and county-supported Foster Care or into county-run general assistance programs. The provisions changing the processes for applying for public benefits could also reduce state and local costs.

Overall, California's January income taxes on target

Feb 4, 2014 - Overall, California's January income taxes on target Overall, California's January income taxes on target Program: This note provides an update on 2014 California income tax collections. Further Detail Overall, January 2014 Income Taxes On Target.

Special Education Facilities Funding Report

Establish a separate facility grant for county offices of education in recognition of the special education pupils served at county facilities. Require county offices of education to provide local matching funds except in financial hardship cases.

Budget Outlook (Presentation) [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2016 - California County Superintendents Educational Services Association-February 19, 2016

[PDF] Related to collecting signatures for initiative petitions and proposing laws in the Legislature.

The measure requires the state and county governments to establish an IT system whereby voters may append additional information to their voter registration including their photograph and a scanned image of their thumbprint.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

The position of intermediate clerk will assist in the filing of papers with the courts or county clerks, the service of papers, and the routing of mail.· Frequently the clerical employees are used to chauffeur per- sonnel to the courts and to meetings.