Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] The Distribution of K-12 Education General Purpose Funds

These programs provided additional revenue limit funds to districts that implemented any of the following: a longer school day, a longer school year, and a minimum teacher salary. Because the incentive pro- grams offer funds in exchange for specific local activities, the programs operate like a categorical program, such as the Class Size Reduction program.

Major Features of the 2003 California Budget

A reduction of $25  million from "concurrent enrollment " programs which enroll high school students in CCC courses. Budget bill language would also restrict future funding for this program. Allows CCC to "defer " $200  million in costs incurred in 2003-04 until 2004-05.

[PDF] Major Features of the 2003 California Budget

H I L L • L E G I S L A T I V E A N A LY S T LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE Major Features of the 2003 California Budget August 1, 2003 IIIII..... Budget OverviewBudget OverviewBudget OverviewBudget OverviewBudget Overview ........................................................................................................................33333 II.II.II.II.II.

New Mandates: Analysis of Measures Requiring Reimbursement

In essence, each year districts would have to place in a separate account the amount of revenues needed to pay for retiree benefits of each existing employee when he or she retires. As proposed, larger school districts would have to implement this policy beginning in 2006-07, with smaller districts implementing during the succeeding two years.

Supplemental Report 2002-03

The multipurpose/activity center will provide academic space for school activities durin g the day, as well as recreational activities for dormitory students and other approved extracurricular activities when school is not in session.

[PDF] 2004-05: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

H I L L • L E G I S L A T I V E A N A LY S T LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE 2004-05: Overview of the Governor’s Budget On January 9, the Governor released his pro- posed plan for addressing the state’s large budget problem.

[PDF] Cal Facts 2004: State Budget

In the last 30 years, state employment has ranged from a high of 9.9 employees per 1,000 population in 1977- 78 to a low of 8.4 during the 1990s. In 2003-04, there were an estimated 8.9 employees per 1,000 popula- tion.

[PDF] Health and Human Services Agency Pharmacy Assistance Proposal

Health and Human Services Agency Pharmacy Assistance Proposal Senate Health and Human Services Committee Health and Human Services Agency Pharmacy Assistance Proposal L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE September 21, 2004 LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE 1L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E September 21, 2004 Major Issues to Consider in Evaluating The Administration’s Proposal !

Health and Human Services Agency Pharmacy Assistance Proposal

It may also wish to obtain from the administration detailed documentation and justification for the staffing and funding that the administration propos es to provide for implementation of the new program in the 2004 ‑05 fiscal year as well as for subsequent fiscal years.

Assessing California's Charter Schools

Principals’ Years of Experience ·     Charter school principals report shorter tenures at their current schools (3.1  years) than principals of matched public schools compared (4.4 years). ·     Charter school principals report less total experience in school