Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

The Supreme Court is empowered under the California Constitution to transfer cases to the Courts of Appeal for hearing and determination. In this manner the Supreme Court is better able to manage its work- load.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

In addition, support of re- lated activities was transferred to it from the Department of Public Health's Bureau of Air Sanitation, the air segment of the Air and In- dustrial Hygiene Laboratory, and administration services. 513 17-76271 Health and Welfare Items 127, 128 State Air Resources Board-Continued The following comparison of estimated current year and proposed budget

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Resources

The department processes var- ious transactions for boat registration including original registrations, renewals, transfers and duplicates. During the 1967 calendar year the department processed 34,461 original registrations, 8,780 renewals, 64,551 transfers and 20,558 duplicate registrations for a total of 128,350 transactions.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Customs House, but be next to the proposed Los Angeles Conven- tion Center (in a downtown location) and on land leased from the City of Los Angeles. This recommendation was made without a dis- cussion of what the economic effects will be of a competing world trade center building to be built by the City of Los Angeles next to the U.S.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The amount requested for transfer to the State Teachers' Retirement Fund, $71,500,000, is $10 million or 16.3 percent above that appropri- ated for that purpose in the current year.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: CONTROL SECTIONS

Chapter 1326, Statutes of 1965, provides a schedule for the original and renewal fees for registration with the State Fire Marshal, and the fee for the transfer of ownership of a cargo tank and provides that the fees shall be used by the State Fire Marshal to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter when appropriated for such purpose.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

Assigned Judges Program The funding for this program consists of a separate budget item of $235,000 and an additional $60,000 to be transferred from estimated salary savings in the budget item relating to the state's share of judicial salaries.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

As a result of the Governor's reorganization plan, seven positions in the local planning unit of the State Office of Planning were transferred to the council. In the budget year, 1.5 of these positions will be reallo- cated to intergovernmental policy planning, and another 1.5 positions will be transferred to intergovernmental coordination.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Corrections

While much of the 1969-70 increase can be attributed to the transfer of Youth Authority cases from the Department of Corrections, a part of the increase is based on the current year projection. For the current year, the agency estimates an average daily popula- tion of 5,563 wards in institutions.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Regulation and Licensing

Fis- cal year 1969-70 is the first year during which this transfer is fully re- flected in the budget. An expenditure of $350,870 was made from the Insurance Fund in the current year. When Chapter 549 became effec- tive, an Insurance Fund balance of $490,754 was transferred to the General Fund.