Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

The rationale for establishing crews dedicated to year-round prescribed fire work was that the extended and increasingly severe fire seasons did not leave a long enough “off season” for regular CalFire crews to undertake prescribed Figure 6 Governor’s 2019-20 Wildfire-Related Budget Proposals (In Millions) Proposal General Fund Other Funds Total Local and Recovery Assistance Waive local share of

An Overview of the 1995-96 Governor's Budget

Because state taxes are deductible on federal tax returns for corporations and for those individuals who itemize, part of the state tax benefits will be offset by increased federal income taxes. The amount of the offset will depend on each taxpayer's federal marginal tax bracket.

Overview of the 1996-97 Governor's Budget

This would result in lower federal itemized deductions and, as a result, higher federal income tax liabilities. Based upon estimates provided by the Franchise Tax Board , about one-fourth of the combined personal income tax and bank and corporation tax reduction would be offset by higher federal income taxes.

Overview of the 1997-98 May Revision

An additional $205 million is required in order to offset lower anticipated property taxes due to (1) a $105 million reduction in the anticipated growth in property taxes and (2) a proposed $100 million shift of property taxes from schools to local government.

California Spending Plan, Chapter 1

Other tax provisions include a one-time increase in the personal income tax dependent c redit, the restoration of a nonrefundable and income-limited renters' credit, an increase in senior citizens' tax relief, and various targeted business tax reductions.

California Spending Plan 1999-00 Table of Contents

California Spending Plan 1999-00 Table of Contents Legislative Analyst's Office, August 16, 1999 The 1999-00 Budget Act and Related Legislation Table of Contents Chapter 1: The 1999-00 Budget Act and Related Legislation Introduction and Overview Major Features of the 1999-00 Budget The Budget Trailer Bills Chapter 2: Tax Relief Provisions Vehicle License Fee Tax Cut Other Tax Reduction Provisions

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2000-01 Through 2005-06

New Provisions Affecting General Fund Taxes. The main provisions in this category are: (1) a tax credit of up to 50 percent of tax liabilities for cre- dentialed teachers in public and private schools, with the maximum credit amount being related to years of experience; (2) a tax credit for taxpayers incur- ring expenses

Overview of the 2001-02 Governor's Budget

The forecast also includes proposed tax reductions totaling $109 million in the budget year. These include increases in the manufacturers' inv estment credit, a three-day "sales tax holiday," and various other targeted provisions.

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections, 2002-03 Through 2007-08

With regard to ongoing revenues in this category, our estimates assume moderate increases in insurance taxes, stable receipts from alcoholic beverage taxes, and declining receipts from tobacco taxes.

[PDF] Overview of the 2002-03 May Revision

In response to this major deterioration, the Governor has significantly revised his January budget, propos- ing a wide range of new spending reductions, tax increases, expanded borrowing, and funding shifts.