Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

These retirement credits are provided for persons who were employees of the State Employment Service at the time it was transferred to the federal government and who, after sepa- ration from the federal service, were reemployed by the state.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: General Administration

The board estimates that 'it will provide such services in the budget year for 5,536 county or city welfare employees and 1,638 public health employees. To carry out these new functions, 21.5 positions were transferred to the board in the current year from the Department of Social Welfare and eight new positions were established by administrative adjustment.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

We believe the most important immediate step is to" revise the fiscal structure supporting the pesticide registration program by transfer- ring $263,750for support of the registration program from the Agri- culture Fund to the General Fund.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Controller

For example, if one city contains 10 percent of the locally assessed value within a county it would receive 10 percent of 'the assessed value of utility property in the county. No assessed value will be transferred from one county to. another, no county will lose assessed value and the growth rate of utility value in each county will not be affected.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: STATE FIRE MARSHAL

The enforcement element -is accomplished by a combination of con- struction plans review and on site inspection of schools, hospitals, city and county facilities, nursing homes, homes for children and aged, men- tal hospitals, sanitariums, places of public assembly, cargo tanks for flammable liquids, portable fire extinguisher servicing concerns and dry cleaning establishments.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Education

For example, a school district situated in a metropolitan area would probably be precluded by city or county ordinance from burning its trash, while a suburban or rural district might be permitted to do so.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Business

GENERAL PROGRAM STATEMENT The 1967 riots and civil disturbances in American cities resulted in such abnormally high losses to the insurance industry that reinsurance for companies writing policies on property situated in many inner city areas became impossible or uneconomic to obtain.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

This change was effective January 1, 1972, and will require a transfer of funds and responsibilities related to intermediate care from the Department of Social Welfare to the Department of Health Care Services.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Human Resources

Approximately $101 million was allocated under Section 5 of the act to city, county and state governments in California. This program is 90 percent federally funded and requires a 10 percent match in cash or in kind.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

It pro- poses to transfer 915.5 positions, which are in the ~ommunity services branch to the Department of Mental Hygiene and add 104 new posi- tions for a net decrease of 811.5 positions. The 915.5 positions are being transferred to the.