Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Preliminary

These receipts will be deposited in a special trust· fund and transferred to the General Fund as appropriated by the Legislature. We are in general agreement with the revenue estimates and the under- lying economic forecasts prepared by the Department of Finance.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Legislative

For the first time, the cost ($300,000) of printing the Governor's Budget is not reflected in the legislative printing item, such costs having been transferred to the Governor's office. Last year the Joint Legislative Committee for the Revision of the Penal 2 / LEGISLATIVE Item 13 LEGISLATURE-Continued Code indicated that its duties should be completed by June 30,1974.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Business

Training of local citizens and officials, has been accomplished through grantsmanship workshops conducted in eight cities in California. The intent of these workshops is to teach local officials how to apply for federal funds effectively.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Transportation

In· addition it is an- ticipated that some of the planning functions of the department will be transferred to a new Division of Transportation Planning within the new department. While amendments to this item may occur during the budget process, the balance of the budg~ted programs currently within the de- partment are expected to be maintained.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Education

The budget request proposes three new positions and the transfer of four existing positions from the Bureau of Textbooks for a total professional and clerical staff for this unit of seven positions (4.5 professional and 2.5 clerical).

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

For the budget year, the department estimates a gain in General Fund revenues of $716 million over 1974-75, including a $77 million transfer in state land oil revenues. The department's estimates of revenues for the current and budget years are generally consistent with its· underlying economic assumptions.

[PDF] For metropolitan cities, law enforcement has

For metropolitan cities, law enforcement has been a major source. of expenditure increases. Retirement costs for both city and metropolitan county employees have added significantly to rising levels of spending in recent years.

[PDF] Limited data are transferred from the return on

Limited data are transferred from the return on to computer tape for the immediate purpose of (a) identifying taxpayers who have failed to file and (b) for the proper allocation of local sales tax receipts to cities and counties. 3.

[PDF] Our discussion of school apportionments is in Program II of the

Our discussion of school apportionments is in Program II of the Department of Education budget (Items ~06). - The $215 million in the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund is transferred to the General Fund and is ultimately released to the Stllte School Fund for public school apportionments as requited.

[PDF] Administration. 477 Assistance to Cities.

Administration. 477 Assistance to Cities. Counties and Local Agencies for Health Services. 547 Capital Outlay. 1106 Carcinogens Control Act of 1976. 475 Child Health and Disability Prevention. 554 Civil Rights Office. 473 Community Mental Health Programs. 491 Community Program Development. 510 Crippled Children Services. 557 Departmental Support. 469 Developmental Disabilities.