Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Index

., Fabric Care, Repair Services) Business, Transportation and Housing, Secretary of, 35 Cal-Expo, 2048 Cal Grant, 1946 C California Advisory Council on Vocational Education, 1635 California Alternative Energy Source Financing Authority, 534 California Arts Council, 1994 California Auctioneer Commission, 2041 California Coastal Commission, 669 California Commission on Aging, 828 California

[PDF] 1985-86 Budget Analysis: Index

., Appropriate Technology, Economic Opportunity, Planning and Research, State Archi t:ect) Open-Space Payments to Local Governments, 1625 Optometry, Board of, 137 Osteopathic Examiners, Board of, 1524 p Parks and Recr.eation, Department of, 520 Payment of Tort Liability Claims, Administration and, 1471 Payments to Counties for Costs of Homicide Trials, 1468 Payments to Local Government for Sales

[PDF] 1986-87 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

OVERVIEW OF THE BUDGET REQUEST The budget requests an appropriation of $206.5 million in 1986-87 from the PVEA, to the State· Controller for transfer to various unidentified departments, according to an allocation plan to be determined by the Director of Finance.

[PDF] 1987-88 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

Item 9100 TAX RELIEF / 1401 • "$8 Per Acre Urban Prime"-for land that is either (a) within an incorporated city with a population of 25,000 or more, or (b) within three .miles of a city with such a population. • "$5 Per Acre Urban Prime"-for land that is either (a) wi~hin. an incorporated city with a population between 15,000 and 25,000, or (b)

[PDF] The 1987-88 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

These include automation of the unemployment insurance (UI). and tax accounting programs, program transfers to other departments, worldoad changes in the UI program, and program terminations. Staffing cuts proposed for the state hospitals <>per- ated by the Department of Developmentill Services account for an addi- tional reduction of360 pys, reflecting f1.lrthe!

[PDF] Because the A-15-FX is fully compatible with the B7900, the

Because the A-15-FX is fully compatible with the B7900, the upgrade would allow the board to transfer its applications directly to the A-15-FX from the B7900 without interrupting the current conversion effort.

[PDF] Accordingly, we recommend that Item 5240-003-001 be established,

Accordingly, we recommend that Item 5240-003-001 be established, and that. $29,194,000 be transferred from. Item 5240-001-001 to the new item. We fmther recommend that the Budget Bill language proposed in Provision 3 of Item 5240-001~001 be transferred to the new item as well.

[PDF] The 1988-89 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

It also reflects the additional costs involved if legislationis not enacted to, reduce' the block grants for the City and County of San Francisco. The actual amount of funding required for, this program will depend on the outcome of "clean-up" legislation to be considered by the Legislature in 1988.

[PDF] The 1988-89 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

(In our Analysis ofthe 1988-89 Budget Bill, Item 61IO-10I-001, we recommend that $6 million be transfered from small district transportation aid to home-to-school transportation aid in order to eliminate the problem of overpayment and to achieve a more equitable distribution of transportation aid.)

[PDF] No new funds are included in the Governor's Budget for 1989-90

No new funds are included in the Governor's Budget for 1989-90 to expand the program, either for new .contracts with private operators· or with cities and counties under the provisions of Ch 1450/87 (SB 1591, Presley).