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A Review of California's Compulsory Education Laws [Publication Details]

Feb 2, 2004 - A Review of California's Compulsory Education Laws [Publication Details] A Review of California's Compulsory Education Laws Format: HTML Description: Chapter 465, Statutes of 2000 (SB 1913, McPherson), requires the Legislative Analyst‘s Office (LAO), in consultation with the California District Attorney’s Association and the State Department of Education, to report to the

Assessing California's Charter Schools [Publication Details]

Jan 20, 2004 - Assessing California's Charter Schools [Publication Details] HTML Description: We recommend that the Legislature (1) remove the cap on the number of charter schools that may operate in the state, (2) restructure the charter school categorical block grant, (3) strengthen charter school oversight by permitting school districts to opt out of charter authorizing, allowing for

Overview of the 2004-05 Governor's Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 13, 2004 - We believe that the Governor's proposal provides a solid starting point for budget deliberations. It includes realistic revenue and caseload assumptions, as well as real and ongoing solutions from most areas of the budget. At the same time, however, it presents the Legislature with numerous policy issues and concerns.

New Mandates: Analysis of Measures Requiring Reimbursement [Publication Details]

Dec 30, 2003 - In 2002 and 2003, the Commission on State Mandates determined that 23 sets of state laws impose state-reimbursable mandates on local governments. The commission estimated the state's cost to reimburse local agencies for these mandates is about $400 million.

An Overview of California’s Research and Development Credit [Publication Details]

Nov 30, 2003 - Economic theory suggests that without some form of subsidy, overall research and development (R&D) spending in society would be lower than the economically optimal level. A strong case can be made that such a subsidy is appropriate at the federal level. However, we are not aware of economic evidence which, on balance, justifies a state credit in addition to the federal credit.

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections, 2003-04 Through 2008-09 [Publication Details]

Nov 14, 2003 - According to our projections, the state is facing a year-end shortfall of $10.2 billion in 2004-05 assuming the vehicle license fee (VLF) rate increase remains in effect, and substantially more if the rate is rolled back and the state resumes backfill payments to localities.

Flexible Facility Utilization Standards: Higher Education [Publication Details]

Nov 12, 2003 - Current state standards for utilization of higher education instructional facilities can be simplified and made more flexible. We recommend restating these standards on the basis of "annual hours of station use per year." This would both simplify the standards and accommodate year-round operation.

California Spending Plan 2003-04: The Budget Act and Related Legislation [Publication Details]

Oct 23, 2003 - The Legislature was faced with addressing an enormous two-year General Fund budget shortfall in developing the state's spending plan for 2003-04. We discuss the factors underlying this shortfall, describe the key actions taken to address it, and provide detail on the adopted budget package.

State Expenditures: History and Forecast [Publication Details]

Jul 16, 2003 - State Expenditures: History and Forecast [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Charter School Operations and Performance: Evidence from California (RAND Policy Brief) [Publication Details]

Jul 14, 2003 - Charter schools generally do as well as traditional public schools in fostering reading and mathematics achievement even though they receive fewer state funds and employ fewer teachers with full state credentials, according to a report prepared by RAND. The LAO contracted with RAND to perform this evaluation, which was required by Chapter 34, Statutes of 1998 (AB 544, Lempert). See http://www.lao.