Results for 서울시 tax

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Chapter 3: Revenue Projections

The 1997 and 1998 tax packages also included a variety of other tax reductions. These included the restoration of an income-limited renters' tax credit, various federal income tax conformity provisions, reduced horse racing fees, and targeted tax relief for businesses.

Supplemental Report of the Budget Act 1999-00 Fiscal Year

This report shall include, but is not limited to, a description of the boards efforts to recruit and retain tax auditor position classifications, tax technician classifications, business tax compliance specialists, and related revenue and collections position classifications at the board.


Item 1730-001-0001—Franchise Tax Board 1. Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Protest Cases. The Franchise Tax Board shall, by December 10, 2001, and annually through 2006, provide to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, a report evaluating the current tax assessment protest process including time frames for each phase of the process.

Cal Facts 2002: State Budget

Tax Expenditures Represent a Significant Portion of the Tax Base Tax expenditure programs (TEPs) are special tax provisions that result in lower tax liabilities and are used to encourage particular activities, reward certain actions, or ease the overall tax burden.


The property tax rate is limited to 1 percent by the Constitution, plus any additional rate necessary to pay for voter-approved debt. The average tax rate across the state in 2000-01 was 1.07 percent. !

[PDF] Proposition 50 Resources Bond: Funding Eligibility of Private Water Companies

We identify several legal, tax, and policy issues for legislative consideration. Based on our review, it appears that legal and tax-related concerns with allowing private water companies to receive bond funds

[PDF] 2005-06 overview of the governor's budget

It assumes some additional revenues from expanded tax auditing, but does not propose new tax in- creases. The Governor has also called the Legislature into special session to consider several struc- tural budget reforms relating to the budget process, pensions, transportation funding, and Proposition 98 (K-14 education) funding.

A Primer: California's Wildland Fire Protection System

These local services are generally funded from property tax revenues or from special assessments. The current provision of structure and medical response services by local go vernments is consistent with historical practice as well as BOF policy that life and structure fire protection within SRA is the responsibility of private citizens and local governments.

Cal Facts 2006 State Budget

Sales Tax Rates Vary by County Sales taxes vary from county to county because of the optional sales taxes that counties can choose to levy. Sales tax rates can vary within a county as well, to the extent cities and/or special districts adopt additional optional taxes.

Cal Facts 2006 Program Trends

Some of these taxes also contribute to local transportation f unding. Californians pay the following taxes at the pump: 18 cents in state “gas” tax for each gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel. 18.4 cents in federal tax for each gallon of gasoline and 24.4 cents for each gallon of diesel fuel. 7.25 percent minimum state and local