Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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1996-97 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice Overview

However, this assumes that legislation wil l be enacted transferring responsibility for some offenders from the Youth Authority to the Department of Corrections. (See page D-84.) Trial Court Funding Consolidation Proposal Needs Stronger Cost Control Measures.

[PDF] LAO 1996 Budget Analysis: K-12 Education Chapter

Because the community day program provides new funding for alternative programs at levels higher than existing programs (such as continuation schools), we are concerned that one possible outcome of fully funding the program in 1996-97 would be to encourage districts to transfer students in existing alterna- tive programs to the new program for financial rather than program- matic reasons.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: K-12 Education

Because the community day program provides new funding for altern ative programs at levels higher than existing programs (such as continuation schools), we are concerned that one possible outcome of fully funding the program in 1996-97 would be t o encourage districts to transfer students in existing alternative programs to the new program for financial rather than programmatic reasons.

[PDF] LAO 1996 Budget Analysis: State Administration Chapter

Soon after the consultant's report had been made public, the Controller announced her intention to transfer respon- sibility for these systems to the state personnel agency. However, a subsequent report by another consultant concluded that transferring the responsibility for the state's personnel and payroll systems to another state agency would not be feasible, and the Control- ler has since decided to retain responsibility for these systems.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: State Administration, Part I

Soon after the consultant's report had been made publ ic, the Controller announced her intention to transfer responsibility for these systems to the state personnel agency. However, a subsequent report by another consultant concluded that transferring the responsibility for the state's personnel and payroll systems to another state agency would not be feasible, and the Controller has since decided to retain responsibility for these systems.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: State Administration, Part II

Specifically, the panel was concerned that, as the city's downtown e xpands to the north in the future, the State Capitol and Capitol Park would be left on the fringe. The panel concluded that additional development on state land east and south of C apitol Park would ensure that this area remains a focal point within the city.

[PDF] LAO 1996 Perspectives and Issues: PERSPECTIVES ON STATE REVENUES

As shown in Figure 10, the com- bined state and local sales tax rate in California currently ranges from 7.25 percent for counties that impose no optional sales taxes, up to 8.5 percent in the City and County of San Francisco.


The Legislature will have a unique opportunity to focus on such options this year as it considers two major bills (SB 760, Lockyer, and AB 126, Rainey) that would transfer the punishment responsibility for some short-term offenders from the state to counties.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget BillCapital Outlay Departmental Issues, Part I

This decline is mainly due to legislation enacted in 1996 that transferred responsibility for all Department of Corrections "M cases" over 18 years old from Yout h Authority institutions to state prison.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget BillJudiciary and Criminal Justice, Crosscutting Issues Part B

In addition, some city police departments operate jails. However, state regulation provides that police department jails are for holding prisoners for less than 48 hours. Incarceration of presentenced and sentenced jail inmates is a county responsibility.