Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] California Community Colleges: A Progress Report on the Student Success Act of 2012

In 2013-14, the CCC system received about $7 billion in state operational support (which includes state General Fund, local property taxes, and student fee revenues). State Law Establishes “Open Access” Policy, Identifies Key CCC Missions.

[PDF] Analysis of Education Mandates

This rate applies to students enrolled in county-run programs. In addition, COEs receive an extra $1 per student for all students located within the county, in recognition of the fact that some mandates entail broader oversight responsibilities performed by the COE. • Community colleges receive $28 per student.

[PDF] Review of the California Department of Education

Given the size of the state, number of LEAs, and diversity among LEAs, the state typically relies on county offices of education (COEs)—not CDE—to provide direct assistance and specific advice to LEAs on how they can improve their educational programs.

[PDF] Review of School Transportation in California

Many county offices of education (COEs), however, also operate transportation programs, though those programs are relatively small compared to district programs. In some cases, COE data are available and included in the numbers we provide.

[PDF] 10_Additional Workload, Staffing, and Funding for CDE.indd

Budget authorizes one one-year Information Technology position and one two-year consultant position. 177 118 one time, 59 two years Support portions of three existing State Board of Education staff who work on charter school issues (formerly funded with federal funds). 151 Ongoing Develop report on strategies for successfully transferring juvenile court school students to other dis- trict and county schools.

[PDF] 16_Higher Education Core Funding.indd

16_Higher Education Core Funding.indd Change From 2014-15 Amount Percent UC General Funda $2,844 $2,991 $3,232 $241 8% Net tuitionb 2,671 2,782 2,909 128 5 Other UC core funds 314 323 323 — — Lottery 31 39 39 — — Subtotals ($5,860) ($6,134) ($6,503) ($369) (6%) CSU General Funda $2,769 $3,026 $3,280 $254 8% Net tuitionb 2,145 2,133 2,157 24 1 Lottery 36 59 59 — — Subtotals ($4,949) ($5,219)

[PDF] 3_Key Proposition 98 Information Underlying June Budget Package.indd

3_Key Proposition 98 Information Underlying June Budget Package.indd Key Proposition 98 Information Underlying June Budget Package (Dollars in Millions) 2013-14 Revised 2015-16 Budget Act Minimum Guarantee General Fund $42,996 $49,608 $49,416 Local property tax 15,918 16,695 18,993 Total Guarantee $58,914 $66,303 $68,409 Inputs General Fund taxesa $101,476 $112,068 $116,619 K-12

[PDF] 3_Key Proposition 98 Information Underlying June Budget Package.indd

3_Key Proposition 98 Information Underlying June Budget Package.indd Key Proposition 98 Information Underlying June Budget Package (Dollars in Millions) 2013-14 Revised 2015-16 Budget Act Minimum Guarantee General Fund $42,996 $49,608 $49,416 Local property tax 15,918 16,695 18,993 Total Guarantee $58,914 $66,303 $68,409 Inputs General Fund taxesa $101,476 $112,068 $116,619 K-12

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Higher Education Analysis

For example, the federal government has designated several northern and inland counties of California as “health professional shortage areas” based on high population to health care professional ratios.

[PDF] Analysis of Proposition 98 May Revision Budget Package

LAO’s Local Property Tax Estimates Slightly Higher Across Three Years. Our estimates of local property tax revenues are a combined $241 million higher than the administration’s estimates across the three fiscal years.