Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Cigarette Tax Stamp Purchases and Surety Bonds in California

Cigarette Tax Administration How Is the Tax Collected? In California, the cigarette tax is collected through the issuance of stamps or “indicia.” Stamps are issued or sold to cigarette distributors at a price equal to the cigarette tax (87 cents per pack) less a slight discount of 0.85 percent.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

Given the potential benefits to California of having such a system, we encourage the Legislature to consider re-establishing it. 2016 -17 B U D G E T Legislative Analyst’s Office 71 2016 -17 B U D G E T 72 Legislative Analyst’s Office SUMMARY OF LAO RECOMMENDATIONS Proposition 98 • Use the administration’s estimates of General Fund tax revenue and

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.

Other General Fund revenue sources are the distilled spirits tax, taxes on beer and wine, gift tax, inheritance and insurance taxes, private -car tax, pari-mutuel licenses, and minor miscellaneous taxes and depart- mental receipts.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Department of Public Works

Department of Public Works DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Budget page 757 For Support of the Division of Highways From the State Highway Fund Amount l'equested ______________________________________ $28,947,072 Estimated to be expended in 1950-51 Fiscal Year ____________ 27,506,946 Increase (5.2 percent) ________________________ -' __________ $1,440,126 ANALYSIS No appropriation is made in the Budget Bill

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

The increase in the Division of Civil Law is as follows: 454 Civil Law Division-Continued Attorney Positions Authorized-Division of Civil Law, 1948-1957 Junior Legal counsel assistants' positions or Year or higher law derks Total 1947-48 (authorized) ___________________________ 42.5 3 45.5 1948-49 (authorized) ___________________________ 46.5 2 48.5 1949-50 (authorized)

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Index

Fund _____________________________________________ 328 Tax CollectIOn DlvlsIOn ________________________________________________ 330 Tax-Deeded Lands Division ----------------~------_____________________ 331 Control Sections, Budgetary _________________________________________ ' _____ 1032 1042 Index Page Cooperative Marketing Research, Federal (Agriculture)

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Higher Education Chapter

Instead of using these funds for growth, the CCC used them primarily to backfill a $40 million property tax shortfall. The budget proposal reduces $21 million of these funds. The budget provides a $40 million General Fund increase to backfill the property tax shortfall in 1994-95.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: California Community Colleges

Local property taxes and student fees (which are set by the state) make up the rest. Since Proposi tion 13 effectively removed local discretion over the growth of property tax revenues, however, changes in the level of community college funding are at the discretion of the state and are determined as part of the state's budget process.

[PDF] LAO 1996 Budget Analysis: Resources Chapter

In order that the Legislature may assess the department's program priorities at various funding levels, including at a mill tax rate of 9 mills, we recommend that the department report, prior to budget hearings, on (1) the department's expenditure priorities at a mill tax rate of 9 mills, (2) the department's expenditure priorities for activities that would go

1996-97 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Part 3

In addition, the department collects taxes and pays benefits under the UI and DI Programs. The department collects from employers (1) their UI contributions, (2) the Employment T raining Tax, and (3) employee contributions for DI.