Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Part 2

The board and its staff are also responsible for establishing and administering, on a reimbursement basis, merit systems for certain city, county, and civil defense employees, to e nsure compliance with federal requirements.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget BillK-12 Education, Budget Issues, Part II

Four out of five districts that used the funding flexibility reported they transferred money between programs to reduce district general fund support of categorical programs. Many surveyed districts wanted more flexibility than the mega-item affords.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget BillK-12 Education, Budget Issues, Part II

If the Legislature's actions on we lfare reform indicate a greater budget-year need for child care funds, any portion of the federal funds used to free-up Proposition  98 funds could, instead, be transferred to DSS.

1997-98 Budget Analysis: The Earned Income Tax Credit

Is the program designed to provide an incentive to go to work, increase work effort, or simply transfer income to low-income workers? The most effective structure for the program would depend on the goals established.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill Perspectives and Issues Part VI A, Property Tax Shift

Growth in assessed value generally occurs due to construction of new homes or businesses, the annual two-percent increase in assessed value permitted by Proposition  13, and the recognition of higher assessed values when properties change ownership.

1997-98 Budget Analysis: Trial Court Funding

However, if the courts are to be state financed, it mak es sense to transfer funding responsibility and oversight authority to the state as well. The implementing legislation for the Governor's proposal establishes a task force to addre ss facilities issues.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: Trail Court Funding Chapter

Transferring funding responsibility for the courts from the counties to the state offers the best means of ensuring such uniformity. Policy control and funding responsibility would be largely consolidated with the same level of government, improving accountability.

1997-98 Budget Analysis,

We also recommend transferring $19.8  million in General Fund support from the University of California to the Cal Grant program. The Legislature intended that these funds be spent for financial aid.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: Resources Chapter

Specifically, the proposed budget includes language (in Item 3640-311-0140) directing the Controller to transfer any funds necessary from the ELPF to the HCF in order to preclude a transfer from the General Fund to meet the require- ments of Proposition 117.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, Transportation Departmental Issues Part 2

Electronic data transfer would also increase the effectiveness of Chapter 1126, as it would virtually elimina te fraudulent insurance information. Currently, DMV uses electronic data transfer to receive smog check information from inspection stations, and several other states receive insur ance information through electronic data transfer.