Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Health & Social Services Chapter

The wage-based approach is specifically authorized by current law, provides substantial benefits to the recipient in the form of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and may provide a better bridge to nonsubsidized employment and self-sufficiency.

[PDF] LAO 2000 Budget Analysis: General Government Chapter

Tax Collection Programs Expenditures. The Franchise Tax Board and the Board of Equaliza- tion are the largest revenue collection agencies in the state. Together, both boards collect the state’s personal and business income taxes, sales tax, and special use taxes.

2003-04 Budget Perspectives and Issues: State Fiscal Picture

Rejection of the realignment-related tax increases and the accompanying shift of program responsibilities to localities would reduce annual state budgetary savings by about $8  billion beginning in 2003-04.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency (2920)

It would, therefore, take many years to recoup in tax revenues the funding provided for CalTIP grants to date. Stated Purposes Not Clearly Met The program began in part as a defense conversion effort to provide jobs for unemployed defense industry workers.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, State Data Centers—Options for Savings

For example, the Employment Development Department uses servers to support employer tax return and pa yment processing functions.   Servers Located in Departments May Not Be Secure. One of the problems with servers is that these systems are vulnerable to "hacking " (an unauthorized access into the system).State data centers have established security systems and procedures which help to protect servers.

2004-05 Budget Perspectives and Issues: The Problem of Abusive Tax Shelters

Thus, some tax sheltering activity is explicitly allowable under the state's tax laws. Other types of tax shelte ring activities, however, are not specifically identified in federal or state tax law.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Transportation Overview

In addition, as in the current year, the budget proposes to suspend in 2005-06 the transfer of "spillover " sales tax revenue from the General Fund to the Public Transportation Account (PTA) for various rail and transit programs.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Some Practical Steps to Increase Children’s Enrollment

For example, Los Angeles County is currently funding outreach efforts using funds from the California Endowment and the First 5 California Children and Families Commission (which receives its funding from a state tax increase on tobacco products authorized by a voter-approved initiative known as Proposition 10).

[PDF] California Budget Efficiency Act (Amendment #1-NS)

In addition, a reduction in the number of votes required to pass tax Hon. Edmund G. Brown Jr. 2 February 3, 2009 increases would make it easier to approve tax increases related to the budget. If the measure resulted in such tax increases, then the state would have greater tax revenues in some years.