Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Proposal to pay down state mandates backlog

May 15, 2014 - Proposition 4 (1979) requires the state to reimburse local governments (cities, counties, special districts, schools, and community colleges) for new programs or services that the state requires them to provide (known as “state mandates ”).

LAO 2013-14 Budget Analysis Series: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

Place New Pupil Suspension/Expulsions Mandate in School Block Grant. We recommend the Legislature place the new mandate in the block grant since the mandate is intended to protect public safety. This action is consistent with last year when the Legislature placed the similar existing mandate in the block grant.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Revenue Limits

We recommend against including the NSS subsidy in the base because the current program allows the state to tailor these grants each year as the size of the school and other conditions warrant. In addition, excess tax revenues also should not be included in the consolidation, as this would permanently award the higher funding levels resulting from the high level of property tax revenues to these districts.

2000 Budget Perspectives: Major Expenditure Proposals

Older School Buses Are Significant Polluters. Of the 24,000 school buses operating in the state, most have diesel engines and about 1,900 predate 1977, the year when major federal safety standards took effect.

2000 Budget Analysis: CA Coastal Comm_3720

This grant program, which makes available statewide $500,000 each year, can also be used by local governments to update an existing LCP. Over the past three years the commission has awarded 25 grants, of which 12 are for new LCP development.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 5 (Highway Patrol)

Aug 26, 2019 - Requires MVA to Make $100  Million Supplemental Pension Payment Over Four Years. In each of the four fiscal years of the agreement (2019 ‑20, 2020 ‑21, 2021 ‑22, and 2022 ‑23), the agreement would require the MVA to contribute $25  million to CalPERS —totaling to $100  million over the four years.

California Community Colleges Funding by Source [EdBudget]

Jul 24, 2023 - Actual FTE students are notably lower each year of the period, but certain budget provisions are insulating districts from associated funding declines. f Reflects the net change after accounting for the enacted 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth, together with all other enrollment adjustments.

[PDF] In fiscal year 1973-74, federal revenue sharing

In fiscal year 1973-74, federal revenue sharing funds were appropriated for educational apportionments and for the costs of welfare payments under the State Supplementary Payment program (SSP). For fiscal years 1974-75 through 1977-78, funds were appropriated to the State School Fund for public school apportionments.

Sources and Uses of K-12 Education Funding Growth, 1982-83 Through 1991-92 [Publication Details]

Aug 21, 1991 - After adjusting for inflation, the 1991 Budget Act results in a level of total funding per unit of average daily attendance (ADA) in 1991-92 that is 13 percent higher than the level of per-ADA funding in 1982-83, the year immediately prior to the enactment of SB 813 (the state’s major school funding and reform measure).

[PDF] Available until December 31, 2024. „ $16

Available until December 31, 2024. „ $16 Billion in Fiscal Recovery Funds to Local Governments. Counties and cities with population over 50,000 will receive funding directly from the federal government.