Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Code Commission

This, however, is a continuation of the same level of service as authorized for the previous two years. This budget provides for the additional days and extra work involved in a general session of the Legislature in com- parison with the budget session of the current fiscal year.· The increase budgeted for 1952-53 is $34,578, or 11.3 percent over estimated

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Courts

The increase of 3.9 percent over the amount requested for the Fiscal Year 1951-52 is due to normal salary adjustments and price increases. An increase in work load is not indicated for the 1952-53 Fiscal Year.


In 1949, the latest year (calendar) for which comparative data are available, California spent approximately $190,000 for this activity, of which $85,000 was from the General Fund and $105,000 from assessments.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Education

The veterans enrolled in private and public schools increased last year instead of decreased as we had anticipated duetothe termination date of JUly 25, 1951, for veterans enrolling under the veterans benefit pro- gram.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: OFFICE OF FIRE MARSHAL

With regard to the increased number of schools, we understand the basis of the work load estimates is the total number of schools as calcu- lated by the State Department of Education. We would like to point out that during the current fiscal year and during the 1952-53 Fiscal Year an appreciable number of old, substandard

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Investment

Our recommendation for the reduction of the request for 1952-53 is predicated on the basis ofa decline in the subdivision field during the past fiscal year with present trends pointing to further curtailment in home construction for the present year and the ensuing year.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Professional and ..V ocational Standards

._ Estimated to be expended in 1951-52 Fiscal Year __________________ _ Increase (2.5 percent) ________________________________________ _

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: HORSE RACING BOARD

As pointed out in our analysis of the budget of the Horse Racing Board for last year, during the Fiscal Year 1950-51, the board estab- lished anew function and inaugurated a new program of horse identi- fication by photography.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Public Utilities Commission

These involve studies baving to do with formal hearings on calendar, earnings and rate studies, annual and fundamental investigations and similar matters, all relating to public utilities other than transportation companies.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Public Works

We recommend that the entire function of the Aeronautics Commission be carefully reviewed for next year, and that there be legislative ap- praisal at the General Session of the accomplishment of this agency to date. - GENERAL SUMMARY The functions of this agency are derived from the Aeronautics Com- mission Act, Chapter 1379, Statutes of 1947.