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[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Office of Adjutant General

This is included in the total of $128,446,250 proposed to be transferred from surplus to the Postwar Employ~ent Reserve for augmentation of existing capital outlay appropriations as provided in Section 4 of the Budget Bill.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Intersegmental: Protecting Legislative Priorities in Higher Education

For example, funding for enrollment growth at one segment can aff ect enrollment demand at another segment due to student transfers between CCC and the universities. In general, we recommend the Legislature take a similar approach to CCC’s budget as it takes to UC and CSU’s budgets.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, California Department of Food and Agriculture (8750)

Accordingly we recommend the amount of General Fund transfer into the PDMA support for the program be r educed by $1.5  million, leaving a reserve of $100,000. Additional Federal Funds May Be Forthcoming.

[PDF] Overview of Remedial Education at the State’s Public Higher Education Segments

2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 1, 2017  Rates of Unpreparedness Vary by Segment  Three-quarters of fi rst-time CCC students (more than 150,000 incoming degree, certifi cate, or transfer-seeking students identifi ed each fall term as unprepared).  More than 40 percent of fi rst-time CSU students (about 25,000 students identifi ed each fall term as

[PDF] Overview of Student Loans

These initiatives include creating the associate degree for transfer, significantly expanding student support programs at the California Community Colleges (CCC), creating the Full-Time Student Success Grant and the Completion Grant for CCC students, funding CCC Career Pathways Programs, and funding the California State University (CSU) Graduation Initiative. ; Extended Tuition

[PDF] Budget Overview: Resources, Environment, and Food and Agriculture

Key Policy Questions for Legislature in Proposed Budget (Continued) 8L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 3, 2016  Motor Vehicle Fuel Account Transfer to State Parks. The budget redirects $31 million in fuel tax revenue that would otherwise go to the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Trust Fund to the State Parks and Recreation Fund (SPRF) on a one-time basis to

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

We find that four clerks can be elimi- nated by having key punch operators transfer all materials directly from the traffic citations except for the two columns used for coding motor vehicle type. It will be necessary to continue to code the informa- tion on these two columns.

[PDF] Higher Education May Revision Proposals

John Laird, Chair P R E S E N T E D T O : L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E Higher Education May Revision Proposals M A Y 1 8 , 2 0 2 2 L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 1 CCC Spending Proposals Under the Governor’s Budget and May Revision Proposition 98 Changes, 2020-21 Through 2022-23 (In Millions) Governor’s Budget May Revision Change Ongoing

[PDF] Overview of Funding for Parks and Open Space

The budget authorized a funding transfer to address a pandemic-related projected shortfall in the SPRF across 2019-20 and 2020-21. „ Outdoor Equity Grants Program ($20 Million General Fund). This funding is to initiate a new grant program authorized under Chapter 675 of 2019 (AB 209, Limón), for grants to provide underserved youth with outdoor educational experiences. „ New State Park ($5 Million General Fund).

[PDF] An Overview of the 1991-92 Governor's Budget

Baseline Revenue Increase (Standard Economic Forecast) $1.3 Additional Increase, Assuming Economic Recovery Adjustment 1.2 Accrual Accounting Proposal 1.7 Other Revenue Proposals a 0.8 Transfer Proposals 0.3 Components of General Fund Rev- enue Growth Anticipated in the 1991-92 Governor’s Budget (in billions) a Includes $400 million in withholding payments and $400 million from elimination or delay of certain tax expendi- tures.