Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] California Education Tax Relief Act

BACKGROUND State and Local Revenues Income and Sales Tax. The state collects billions of dollars in General Fund revenues annually and uses those funds to operate numerous state programs. The major sources of revenue to the General Fund are the state personal income tax, the sales and use tax, and the corporation tax.

[PDF] The Fair Insurance Premiums and Practices Act

Insurance Premium Tax. Under current law, insurance companies doing business in California pay an insurance premium tax in lieu of a state corporate income tax. The tax is based on the amount of insurance premiums they earned in the state each year for various types of insurance coverage.

[PDF] Local Control of Local Classrooms Funding Act

FISCAL EFFECTS Increases in Local Tax Revenues for Education. Because it reduces the existing vote threshold for adopting a parcel tax, the measure would likely increase the approval rate of parcel tax measures and result in more local tax revenues for K-12 schools and com- munity colleges.

[PDF] Community Funding Protection and Accountability Act of 2010 (Amendment #1-S)

Spe- cifically, if the local government would use the tax proceeds for:  Special or designated purposes, the tax requires approval by two-thirds of lo- cal voters.  General purposes, the tax requires approval by a majority of local voters.

[PDF] State Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust Fund Act

Addi- tional funding sources are user fees (such as day use, camping, and other use fees) and state gasoline taxes. The development of new state parks and capital improvements to existing parks are largely funded from bond funds.

[PDF] Protect Homeowners and Close Corporate Tax Loopholes Act

Property Tax Deduction. Businesses may deduct payment of local property taxes as a business expense in their computation of taxable income under the state’s corporate tax (CT) and personal income tax (PIT).

[PDF] Community Hospital Taxes (Version 5)

File No. 09-0082) relating to the imposition and collection of taxes, fees, or as- sessments on community hospitals. BACKGROUND Medi-Cal: California’s Medicaid Program Medi-Cal Funding and Administration.

[PDF] Government Spending Limit Act of 2010 [V-2]

In general, government spending subject to the spending limit is equal to all appropriations funded from the “proceeds of taxes,” ex- cept for the types of spending that are specifically exempted. Proceeds of taxes include taxes and the portion of fee revenues that are in excess of the cost of providing fee- based services.

[PDF] Taxes [V-2]

Local Taxes. Local governments may impose or increase taxes (other than ad valorem property taxes) subject to the approval of their local voters. If the local gov- ernment proposes to use the tax proceeds for general purposes (a “general tax”), the tax requires approval by a majority of local voters.

[PDF] California Cancer Research Act (Version 3)

This measure would increase excise taxes on cigarettes and use these revenues to fund various health research and tobacco-related programs. BACKGROUND Tobacco Taxes Existing Tax Rate. Current state law imposes excise taxes on cigarettes and other to- bacco products.