Results for irish state pension

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Crime Prevention in California: Building Successful Programs [Publication Details]

Aug 24, 2000 - The rising costs of operating the criminal justice system have prompted policymakers to consider directing resources toward crime prevention programs. We identify several problems with the state's existing crime prevention programs and recommend several actions the Legislature can take to increase the effectiveness of state crime prevention spending.

Propositions 12 and 13--Parks and Water Bonds: Implementation Issues [Publication Details]

May 25, 2000 - The two bond measures provide for a major investment in the state's natural resources. The purpose of the report is to identify actions the Legislature can take to ensure that the bond measures are implemented effectively, efficiently, and consistent with the Legislature's goals in enacting the measures. We also recommend actions to provide accountability for bond-funded expenditures.

Overview of the 2000-01 May Revision [Publication Details]

May 17, 2000 - The May Revision has many positive elements, including significant new funds for infrastructure (primarily one-time) and education. It also preserves the state's future fiscal flexibility by avoiding excessive ongoing commitments. The revision, however, has many proposals which lack specificity and/or delegate too much authority to the administration.

Budget, Taxes, and Spending [Publication Details]

May 5, 2000 - A slide presentation composed of graphics highlighting trends in several areas including demographics, California's economy, state expenditures and revenues, and taxation.

The State Appropriations Limit [Publication Details]

Apr 12, 2000 - The State Appropriations Limit [Publication Details] HTML Description: California's state appropriations limit (SAL)--which grows annually by a population and cost-of-living factor--places an "upper bound" each year on the amount of monies that can be spent from state tax proceeds.

California's Extraordinary Revenue Developments [Publication Details]

Apr 6, 2000 - Our updated forecast of the state's fiscal condition for the current and budget years will be published following the May Revision. (Cal Update) Reports by Policy Area

State and Regional Water Boards: Issues for Legislative Consideration [Publication Details]

Feb 29, 2000 - State and Regional Water Boards: Issues for Legislative Consideration [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Overview of State Expenditures 2000-01 [Publication Details]

Feb 17, 2000 - Overview of State Expenditures 2000-01 [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Linking Mentally Ill Offenders to Community Care [Publication Details]

Feb 17, 2000 - The state's prisons now hold far more mentally ill offenders than its state mental hospitals. Additionally, an increasing number of inmates with severe mental disorders are being released to the community to an inadequate patchwork of supervision, treatment services, and assistance.

Year-Round Higher Education Instruction Critical to Serving Additional Students [Publication Details]

Feb 17, 2000 - We recommend the Legislature adopt budget bill language that provides full marginal-cost funding for all enrollment growth at the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU), regardless of the season in which it occurs.