Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

For example, there was a sharp and unexpected increase in new car registrations and renewals during the 1955' calendar year. The impact of this increase in terms of, fiscal year work load shows up particularly in the increase from 1954-55 to 1955-56.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Public Works

For a number of years, particularly since the start of the program of state school building construction aid, the an- nual work load of this function, expressed in dollar value of the proj- ects processed, has been in excess of $225,000,000.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Welfare

No major organizational changes or new programs are contemplated for the 1956-57 Fiscal Year. The depart- ment is moving into the new Employment Building and should be there by the beginning of the fiscal year.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Regular salary surveys are made by the board in October and March of each year. The October survey for 1955 consisted of a field analysis of San Francisco salaries and a recheck of firms in IJos Angeles and San Diego areas.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

This amount covers that part of antici- pated payment allowances not provided for by member contributions made for services since 1944 or by current contributions of school dis- tricts and other employing agencies.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

BREED, JR., Chairman and Members of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee State Capitol, Sacramento, California GENTLEMEN: In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1667, Statutes of 1951, and Joint Rule No. 37 of the Senate and Assembly creating the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, defining the duties of the committee and giving it authority to employ a legislative audi- tor, I submit an

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

The problem before the Legislature, therefore, is one of holding the expenditure program within the limits of prospective revenues in the years ahead. In view of the certain growth in school expenditures based on present appor- tionment laws and on higher education program levels, it is prob- lematical whether this can be done much longer on the present rev- enue structure.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Legislative

The amount of $3,908,522 is estimated for expenditure during the 1957-58 Budget Session year, which is $493,331 more than the actual expenditures for the 1955-56 Budget Session year. A summary of expenditures by categories for the two budget sessions is as follows: Salaries and expenses of members and employees ____ _ State capitol committee

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Executive

Likewise, in prior years additional major items of equipment were handled as part of capital outlay. In the new budget year they are being included in the support budget as replacement or additional equipment items.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

Consequently, we recommend that this section be amended to provide for an anmwl renewal fee of $5.00 each year thereafter. Division of Markets The cost of activities in the Division of Marketing is proposed to increase from the $1,031,000 estimated to be expended in the current fiscal year to $1,106,240 for the budget year.