Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Property Taxation

BACKGROUND Local Property Tax The local property tax is a 1 percent tax levied on the assessed value of real and personal property. County officials collect property tax revenues and allocate them to local governments: the county, cities, special districts, K-12 schools, and community colleges.

[PDF] Robin Hood Tax

Other Tax Revenue Effects. Various financial changes related to the severance taxes may result in reductions of other state and local revenues such as income and property taxes—perhaps totaling in the tens of millions or a few hundred million dollars per year.

[PDF] The California Nuclear Waste Act

Tax revenues received by governments are affected by business profits, personal income, and taxable sales—all of which in turn are affected by what individuals and businesses pay for electricity. Increases in electricity rates due to the measure would also directly increase state and local government costs since they are large consumers of electricity.

[PDF] Reform and Regulate California's Timber Industry

These activities would be funded by a 33 percent tax on timber harvested on state land and an 8 percent tax on timber harvested on private land. The chief executive officer of the Forest Conservation and Resource Management Department would be elected by popular vote and confirmed by the Legislature.

[PDF] The California Modernization and Economic Development Act of 2013 (Amendment 1-S)

Proposal New Oil and Gas Severance Tax to Fund Public Programs. The measure imposes a 9.5 percent tax on the value of all oil and gas extracted in California or its state offshore waters that extend out three miles from the coastline.

[PDF] Corporate Tax Break Accountability Act, Amendment #1-NS

During the last three decades, the state has given certain businesses tax credits and other tax incentives to encourage them to locate, expand, and hire individuals associated with certain geographical areas deemed to be distressed, which are known generally as enterprise zones.

[PDF] The Fund Schools on Time Act of 2014

School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools (hereafter collectively referred to as “schools”) receive general purpose funding from a combination of state General Fund and local property tax revenues.

[PDF] Medi-Cal Hospital Reimbursement Improvement Act of 2013

State general funds are revenues collected primarily through personal income, sales, and corporate income taxes.  Charges on Health Care Providers. Federal Medicaid law permits states to (1) levy various types of charges—including taxes, fees, or assessments—on health care providers and (2) use the proceeds to draw down FFP to support their Medicaid programs and/or offset some state costs.

[PDF] California Gun Rights Act

We estimate that this would reduce sales tax revenue received by local governments by several million dollars annually. The measure, however, would likely increase state sales tax revenue generated for the state by firearm-related purchases.

[PDF] Car Buyers Protection Act

Taxes Associated With Vehicle Sales. The sale of vehicles directly or indirectly affects state and local tax revenues. In particular, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price or market value of vehicles.